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Everything seems to play out in slow motion from the next second. The earth is not the only thing that shatters. So does the glass from both the cars. And sharp, transparent, fragments begin flying around, slashing anything that comes in the way.

The warriors jump for the throats of the enemies as I stare at the blood that slowly begins to drip from Liam's stomach. Jason goes for the two men behind Liam as he falls to the ground.

Nothing is clearly visible because of the storm and the pools of water filling my eyes. I feel Daxton's grip around me tighten against the storm. I push him back, once again. And for some reason, this time he goes flying back as a bunch of glass pierces his skin, with some, luckily, finding its way to his throat. Leaves rustle loudly around us and some even float around with the strong wind making it difficult to see.

The rumble of a car stops behind as the other four warriors arrive. They quickly shift and Jason orders one of them to go for Daxton.

When the shock finally passes, my feet dreadfully, but quickly, make their way to Liam. By the time I get to him, a small pool of blood has already started to gather next to him.

"No, no, Liam," I cry, trying to stop the bleeding with my hands.

Tears blur my vision so I try to wipe them away with the back of my hand that is now soaked in his blood. He's bleeding out too fast and I can't make it stop.

I rush to the car and grab my phone. Going through my contacts, I scroll down until I come across Olivia. Hitting the screen over her name, I rush to the trunk of the car and pull out a large scarf.

Olivia finally answers as I try to put pressure on the wound with the scarf.

"Hello? April, is everything okay?"

"Liam," I sob into the phone, "He was shot and I can't stop the bleeding. You need to get here. Please," I beg.

The line goes silent for a while followed by some rustling sounds until Olivia finally speaks again.

"April, are you there?"

"Why wouldn't his wolf heal him," I shout through the tears as the pool of blood gets larger.

"April, listen to me. I need you to calm down first. You need to do that so we can help Liam," she says, her voice calm and steady.

"Okay, okay," I sniffle.

"Now. Jason has updated us on the situation," she informs and I look up to see all the wolves have disappeared. They must have ran into the woods and our warriors followed them.

"We are too far away to get there in time so you will need to bring him here. Because the bullet is silver, it is weakening Liam's wolf, which is why he can't heal."

"So what do I do?"

"You're going to have to get it out."

My heart dips into my stomach upon hearing her words.

"Otherwise it'll continue to destroy him from the inside and he won't be able to heal," she continues.

"What? No, no, no," I stammer, "I— I can't do it."

"You don't have a choice, April. You need to do this or he won't make it."

My hands are already trembling. Liam's eyes are droopy and he has almost passed out.

"No, Liam. Please stay with me," I whimper.

"I'll be right here with you. Just look for something, anything, that might help you get the bullet out," Olivia offers on the phone.

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