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I walk out of the pack house and there is a huge storm outside. The dark clouds have taken it upon themselves to block any ray of sunlight from reaching the ground. Lightning strikes, sending flashes of light every now and then and the thunder echoes loudly, scaring everything else into utter silence. The wind blows so strongly, I feel like it will take me away with it. I grip my feet on the ground and run as fast as I can to get back to the house before the rain starts pouring down.

I quickly reach back and run up to my room to start packing. The cold wind has dried away my tears and I won't allow myself to spill any more. I gave the whole mate thing a chance but I suppose, it just wasn't my luck. Honestly, there is so much false advertising when it comes to mates. Or maybe my family is just cursed.

I don't really remember where my car is parked or where the keys are so I'm going to have to ask someone for help. I've made a mess of all of my things so it takes me a little while to get everything together and packed. After finishing with all that, I decide to go look for Lucas or Tyler, and ask them to help me get my car.

I go downstairs and open the front door. The strong gush of wind nearly breaks the door off and pushes me back in with it. The snowstorm outside prickles at my face and I can barely open my eyes as I force the door shut. I will definitely have to wait until the storm passes before I can leave. I don't have anything to do and need to kill my time. Starting a fire in the living room fireplace, I make myself some hot chocolate. I just need to take my mind off of everything that has happened in the past few days and relaxing with some hot chocolate is the best plan I can come up with, given the situation. I grab a blanket and sit down at one of the chairs placed at the far end of the living room, next to the giant window. The storm almost looks beautiful from in here. Only when you are outside, do you truly get to experience how deadly it is. The ground is already covered with snow and now the trees are beginning to gather a layer as well. I just hope I don't get stuck here because of it.

The thoughts of my escape plan are interrupted when I hear the front door opening. A strong whoosh of wind enters the house and then the door is closed again. A few seconds later, Liam walks into the room. His hair is messy from the wind and the white snow sparkles against his dark mane. His clothes are wet from the storm and he is shaking a little bit. How he walked through this storm, only he knows.

"Are you insane," I immediately regret the words that escape my mouth before I can stop myself. One would have to be truly crazy to be out in such weather, but I'm not supposed to care what he does.

"April, you're still here," he exclaims and begins to walk towards me.

"Don't worry, I'll be out of your hair as soon as this storm is over," I say as I roll my eyes and turn my face to look out the window once again.

"No, April. Please, I'm so sorry," he says, taking me by surprise. These words are probably the last thing I would have expected to hear from him.

I put my mug down on the small table next to the chair and turn my head back to look towards him. His face looks pensive, almost worried. He brushes his hair back with his fingers as he comes closer to me. His breathing is rapid and irregular. He sits down on his knees in front of me and his glistening eyes meet my shocked ones.

"I messed up, April. I am probably the worst mate on this planet but I am begging you, please don't go," he chokes, his voice coming out hoarse. He slumps his shoulders and hangs his head low. I feel a little bad seeing him like this but I can't just forget everything.

"Don't do this, Liam," I whisper. "There's really no point anymore."

"No, April. I know that you rejected me, and you were right to do that. You deserve so much better than me. But, I didn't accept your rejection. I can't. I won't," he gulps. "Just give me a chance and I swear to you, I will be better."

"What do you mean you didn't accept it," I ask, confused.

"You can't break the mate-bond unless I accept your rejection," he explains in a low voice.

"I think it's best if you accept it and let me go, Liam," I say quietly, turning my face away from his.

I feel bad about hurting anyone, and the feeling is a hundred times worse when the person I'm hurting is Liam, who apparently still is my mate. But he hurt me too.

"He is sorry for that, April," Jade chimes in.

Great. Now Jade wants me to forgive him, as well.

"What if he does it again?"

"This was the first time. He is our mate. We should give him another chance."

"It wasn't exactly the first time, Jade."

"But he has accepted his mistake this time. He is getting better."

Liam distracts me from my mental conversation with Jade by grabbing my hands in his. He has stopped shaking but his hands are still awfully cold. I turn back towards him and he lifts his head up as our eyes meet.

"I know that you hate me, April. I know that I have caused you pain," he says, his voice cracking. "I know the things that I have said and done are unforgivable. So never forgive me. I will spend my entire life making it up to you. I know it took me way too long to realise my mistakes, but please, I am begging you for one more chance. Because if you leave, I will never be able to live with myself."

I can tell from the tears pooling in his eyes that his apology is sincere. No matter how hard I try to deny it, I know that in my heart, I have forgiven him. Jade and her overwhelming emotions are not very helpful either. He still has my hands in his gentle grasp, sending tingles all over them.

The silence drags on for what feels like forever. Liam's broken expression sends knives through my heart.

"Okay," I finally whisper.

"Okay?" He asks and his grey eyes go wide and the corner of his mouth curls up into a slight smile.

"Okay," I state. "But I still don't like you."

Hi, you guys!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What did you think of Liam's apology?

Do you think April should've forgiven him so fast?

Let me know in the comments and don't forget to vote 😘

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