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I wake up a few hours later with a dull ache all over my body. I muster the strength to get up and out of bed. The swelling on my ankle has gone down and I can walk as the pain has subsided. I step out of my room and right across from me is a door to another room. It is slightly ajar and I spot the doctor sitting at a desk and scribbling something. I knock and let myself in. She looks up at me and smiles.

"You should be fine now, Luna. It's almost daybreak," she says looking towards the window. I can see the slight golden rays of the sun trying to escape from behind the trees.

"Thank you for helping me, Doctor -," I give her a questioning look trying to ask her name.

"Olivia Williams," she says as she walks out of her chair and extends her hand for me to shake.

I shake it gently and murmur, "I'm April."

"Yes, of course Luna. Everyone knows," she says with a chuckle.

"Please call me April," I smile at her.

"Do you think I could borrow some slippers," I request while looking towards my bare feet.

"Of course. I will also ask someone to walk you home."

I thank her and she nods her head as she leaves the room.

A few seconds later a young boy who looks to be about fifteen or sixteen walks in with a pair of slippers in his hands.

"Thanks," I say with a smile. "What's your name," I ask.

"Ryder. I'm here to take you home, Luna." He says while returning a smile.

"Oh, thanks. And please just call me April," I reply. He nods and walks out, leading the way and I follow silently behind him.

No words are exchanged between us on our walk. It's still pretty dark outside with only a little help from the sun to light the way. The wind is strong and it looks like there is a storm brewing. I shiver a little as it hits me but continue to walk quietly as my mind flutters to the events of last night. A rage fills me as I remember the words Liam said to me as he left me to writhe in pain. I have tried to be nice to him and this is how I get repaid. I have had enough of his outbursts. I'm done.

We arrive at the house. Ryder bows his head and instantly runs off without saying a word. I walk inside with a determination to find Liam. I have no other choice but to reject him and leave. I would skip the rejection because I know it will cause both Jade and I tremendous hurt, but I can't go through the pain of last night again. At this point, I don't even care about being found by Daxton. I just can't stay here anymore.

I walk inside and look around but it seems no one is home. I decide to go to the pack house and look for Liam there but go to my room to get out of my dress first. I take a quick warm shower and wear black jeans and a black wool sweater. I wrap a thick scarf around my neck as I remember the strong wind outside. I put my still wet hair in a bun and set off for the pack house. The sun should be fully visible at this time if it wasn't hiding behind a thick coat of clouds. I finally arrive at my destination. My anger is at its peak and I am determined to go through with my plan.

I enter the pack house and it's eerily quiet. Everyone is probably still asleep as the sun is barely out. There's a little boy sitting in front of the TV. I walk up to him.

"Hey, kid. Have you seen Liam," I ask, trying to sound calm and not let the rage show in my voice.

"The Alpha came a few minutes ago. He went to his office maybe," he informs, not pulling his eyes away from the cartoons he is watching.

"Can you tell me where that is," I ask with a smile as he finally turns his head to look at me.

"Just go to the third floor, turn right at the stairs. His office is the last room," he says and turns back to the TV.

I follow the directions given to me by the little boy and soon I find myself standing in front of a wooden door at the end of a large hallway. I can tell from his scent that Liam is inside. I feel Jade stir inside, being in close proximity of her mate. She is still tired from the pain of last night and it probably was much worse for her than it was for me. She is not going to be happy about what I'm planning to do next but frankly, I don't have a choice anymore. I respect myself too much to allow myself to be treated this way.

Flashes of last night go through my mind and I am engulfed with more anger as I slam the door open. The entire right wall of the room is covered with shelves that are filled with neatly stacked books. A small door lies on the left wall. There is a desk in the centre and a large window behind it. Liam sits at the chair behind the large, mahogany desk, but what instantly grabs my attention is Zara, who is leaning on the table with her left elbow on it. Her right hand is placed on her hip and she faces Liam. She immediately turns around as I walk in. Her tight grey skirt barely covers her ass and her top has a low neckline, showing off her cleavage.

Fire erupts inside me as I look at her and for the first time in my life, I can feel Jade trying to take control from me. I'm sure if I allowed that, she would rip this girl to shreds. I quickly compose myself and try to block Jade from my mind. She doesn't fight back much, probably because of her current weak state. I don't want anything to do with this man anymore and could care less who he goes around screwing. Both their eyes are wide and their lips parted in surprise at my sudden burst into the room but Zara's face is quickly replaced by a sly smile.

"You," I hiss, pointing towards her, "Get out!"

I can feel a powerful aura surrounding me. I am shocked at the effect I have on her as she bows her head against her will and runs out with her tail between her legs.

I turn to face Liam who is visibly taken aback. I feel my face heat up from the anger as I start yelling at him.

"So, this is what you have been doing while I was writhing in pain all night?" I begin. He gives me a confused look but doesn't say anything, only stares at me, flummoxed.

"It's funny how you have been so busy respecting our mate bond, while someone like me has done absolutely nothing but be loyal to you, even when I had no reason to be," I continue.

"Ever since I met you, you have been an ass. You hurt me, disrespected me, but I still came here with you because I thought you deserved at least that much for saving my life. I have been nice to you, your family, your pack, and for what? So you could throw meaningless accusations at me? Call me names?"

He stands up and opens his mouth to say something but then closes it again.

"I have had enough," I bellow. "You and I," I say gesturing towards him and then myself, "We are done. I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to be near you. I am going back home."

I gather myself to say the words that I need to say. I can feel Jade whimper as she begs me not to do it, but I don't have a choice.

"I can't go through that pain again," I whisper, shuddering at the thought of the agony I went through last night.

"I, April Jennings, reject you, Liam Kingston, as my mate."

Liam falls back into his chair upon hearing my words and his eyes look hurt. They flash between their usual grey and his wolf's gold. A small whimper escapes his mouth as I turn around and rush out of the room to hide the tears that are now escaping my eyes without my permission. Jade is howling in pain at the words I said. I can't do anything to comfort her as I feel the same pain stabbing at my chest. I shut the door behind me and leave as fast as I can.

Hey guys! Let me know what you think of this chapter. Don't forget to vote if you liked it :D

King of My HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora