chapter one

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"Deena!!"Deeni called  from downstairs as I added some finishing touches to my make up.

My name is Zahra but people call me Deena while my twin brother ,Zaharadeeni is called Deeni .He hates his name though.He thinks it makes him sound weak.Big boys problem.

"I'm coming"I screamed running down the stairs.

"First day and you are making me late .I gotta meet with my friends"he said as we entered the car.

We just graduated from college and now we are in the university. Deeni is here on a scholarship.I couldn't stay away from him so I decided to come along with him.He might be annoying,crazy,stupid,childish and so on but he is still my brother.

     We arrived at the university after Deeni's horrible voice kept singing along with the radio. Deeni got out to chat with his friends who were already surrounding the car exchanging strange handshakes.I guess his friends are as crazy as he is.It was then that I noticed one of them.A bad boy.Not like I'm interested in bad boys but c'mon he was sitting on the Bonnet. Deeni saw me in the car and remembered I wasn't comfortable around his friends.He chased them away yelling after them that he will meet them person stayed.The bad boy looking guy. Deeni knocked my glass as I looked up at him.He gestured with his head, for me to come out.I opened the door and gave him a thankful smile.

"Want me to follow you to class?"deeni asked.He can be sweet sometime.

"So you can torture me?"I asked

"Candy floss,you are my little sister why would you say that?"Deeni said while the bad boy looking guy  in the background gave a displeasing laugh.

"Candy floss?seriously?you couldn't come up with a better name"I heard him say as I flushed red.I felt like yelling at him to shut up.

"Tell him we are twins and my name is Deena not candy floss"I told Deeni making sure the bad boy looking guy heard him.

"Wait twins?"he gave a shocking look.

"I thought you were his baby sister?"he continued.He was getting on my nerves.I guess my anger was radiating around us before he finally spoke again

"Fine,I'm leaving.bye candy"he said waving

"...and Yo!Bro!take care of candy for me "he said referring to Deeni.

"Thank God he left.I would have beaten him to pulp"I told Deeni

"Yea right"I heard Denni say.

He was used to me saying things like that.

"I know you love me?"I finally told him.It was my turn to torture him for being my twin.I came with a package.

tamed by her loveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant