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"Ya Allah, grant me a mind free of worry, a heart free of sadness and a body free of sickness."

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into a few months .Deeni and I continued drifting apart more and more. I don't know if he noticed it but I did and it is such a big change in my life that i cannot ignore. I've also learnt to tolerate Jasims' presence ,and it gets more annoying believe me. I keep feeling like  the cause of Deeni and I sudden thrift. I have been too caught up with my life and new friends that i barely acknowledged him. I know he tries his best but then i get distracted and push him aside. We've been like one since birth and now i just can't believe myself.

I continue kicking the stones randomly and then with annoyance, I pick a random one and throw it

"ouch! what's wrong with you?" I hear a random and oh so familiar voice say.

"sorry" I mumbled still walking away.

"wait" the still oh so familiar voice say.

"What now Jasim?"I asked him in an annoyed tone as I turned to look at him.

"I just need a little help" he said as he tried standing up.

I just stared there looking at him. Funny enough, there was no one around who would have been of any help.

"What's wrong?" I asked him as I looked at him.

"Nothing big. Just a sprained ankle."

I say nothing and continue looking at him making sure he squirmed under my gaze.

"Isn't it obvious? I just need a little help to the hospital. I think my ankle is a little bit more than sprained."

"No" I reply slowly. I know so well I cannot help him. I might not be a perfect muslimah ,not that there is any, but I know that I cannot have any physical contact with him. To think of it, this can be another prank. A silly one.

"I would have asked anybody else but nobody has passed by" he said. I take in his look, he did look like he had been rolling on the floor at the park with other dogs. I wanted to tell him that but I wasn't ready to start bantering with him. I stood looking at him trying to find out anything fishy.

"Done checking me out because it doesn't look like the hospital is coming to me" he grumbled quite annoyed. Finally in, I helped him as we struggled towards the hospital. We finally reached the front of the hospital and I was heavily panting. This was the most exercise I had done this month. Who knew he weighed this much. After catching some air, I looked at him

"let's go in" I said not wanting to receive same experience again. He didn't budge He just stood there looking shocked.

"Jasim?"i said quite frustrated. he stood there with no expression on his face.

"we've walked like forever and all you can do is stand there and stare like some kind of scarecrow" I said quite annoyed "Jasim?"I shout when he said nothing.

"I cant go inside. I am not going inside Deeni" 

He looked pained but at the same time ,blank and dumb looking just opening his mouth like some kind of gold fish.Angrily,I  walked to a nearby bench scattered around the hospital. At least I can rest myself before the long walk home. I just sat there looking at the scenery before Jasim decided to grace the moment by sitting close to me making sure to leave enough space between us.

I looked at him. He was shaking. I knew it wasn't the weather because it was so hot, I was forced to remove my really comfortable sweater. What ever happened to Jasim wasn't just some act. He looked destroyed. I suddenly started feeling bad. I gave him my jacket just in case he was feeling cold.

"No. wear it" he said just sitting down.

"I don't need it. The weather is quite hot" I said stretching my hand towards him. He shook his head.

"Take it" I snapped. I guess he realized I wasn't going to give up so he  collected it from him .It was one of Deeni jacket I stole before he left  it for me. It was just the right size on him but I am sure I wore it better. It looked good on him though .Jasim chuckled. I was quite shocked. He looked broken just a second ago.

"what?" I said hoping this wasn't an act that I fell for.

"I feel so female now. The part where you give me the jacket, It is weird" he said. I didn't talk to him.

"I am sorry for stressing you" he said in a whisper. I am sure I wasn't meant to hear that but I did.

"you want to talk about it?" I asked him.

"I want to but that is a story for another day. Do the right thing at the right time people say"

I left him to his thought as I picked up my almost dead phone to call Deeni so he could pick us up.

"Thank you Deena"

"No worries mister" I say as we sat in a long comfortable silence.

"I just hope you will be there when I need someone to talk to" he says as Deeni car pulled up.

"Insha Allah" I reply as I open the passenger front seat while Deeni helped Jasim into the car.











I wrote this chapter listening to kun anta by Humood Alkudher.I finally updated .I have at least five chapters written down. What I have planned for this book is really mind blowing. Vote and comment please. its encourages me. The question is when to update with exams and stuffs coming up. About Ramadan?7 days to Ramadan you all. I pray we make the best of it. okay now byeeee

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