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"I have too many flaws to be perfect and I have too many blessings to be ungrateful"

Deeni dropped me off at home and , I got out of the car without even a backward glance at Jasim. I guess they needed some private talk and by the way I felt tired. I enter the house and go straight to the kitchen .I see my mom behind the stove cooking dinner. My parents are quite busy people. Dad is a businessman while mom who  recently just joined dad in the business world ,was originally neurosurgeon at  dads' private hospital. They might be really busy people but I like the fact that they have time for Deeni and I. They attended all our school presentations. They never missed a birthday or sport match. They never failed to spend eid with us.

"so how was your day today?" Mom asked as she continued cutting the vegetables.

"stressful" I said absentmindedly picking the grapes and putting it in my mouth.

"Not what I wanted to hear but it is a start" she says

"So... today I was walking down the street ,so I see this guy on the ground with a fractured feet or maybe a sprain .I really don't know. So there was no one around to help .That left me as the only option. Somehow with luck, we managed to reach the hospital. He starts shivering, so I handed him my jacket. You know, that red one Deeni and I were fighting over? well he just chuckled and told me that he hopes I will be there when he needs someone to talk to. I then called Deeni and told him to pick us up." I said before standing up and running away from my mother. I really didn't really want to start listening to her advice me for no bloody reason.

After praying, I read my Qur'an and then I became bored. It is just hard to do nothing. I scrambled to Deeni' room to wait for him. We needed to talk and bond a little bit.

I sat down on his bed and fiddled with the photo frame on his bedside. It was a picture of Deeni and I when we were seven. It was the day that I discovered that that I could not get married to my brother. I cried my heart out that day shouting" Boys have cooties" and my parent just kept videoing me while trying to calm me down at the same time. Deeni at that time just hugged me.

"If we can't get married you can be my bestest friend" he said

"But i am your best friend" I said wiping away my tears.

"Yes. that's why you are now my bestest friend" he replied and that shut me up before my mom asked us to take a picture. That is how Deeni and I became best friends. I mean bestest friends.


I felt someone shake me.

"Deena wake up"Deeni shouted as he shook me.

"No" I said as I hugged the pillow more firmly. I was slowly drifting back to dream land when I landed on the floor.

"I hate you" I growled at him as I gave him a menacing stare.

"I know. This isn't the first time you said that" he said making himself comfortable on the bed.

"Do you know what other brothers would have done?" I asked him.

"what?" he asked putting his whole weight on his elbow to look at me.

"They would have left their sister to keep on sleeping. They would even fluff their pillows and switch off the light"

"seriously? that's weird" he said "I know how much you want me to be that brother but I am Deeni ,your hard to resist very matured and a minute older than you twin brother" he continued while I stretched on the beanbag.

"Wow I am so lucky" I say sarcastically.

"What brought you here?" he asked coming to sit down next to me. He looked really tired.

"I cant barge into my brothers' room anymore?"

"Well, it depends on what type of brother you have since this is about me and other brothers"

"I actually just wanted to bond with you. I noticed we were drifting apart. "I said hugging him.

"I noticed too but I cant really blame us. Why don't we hang out today like we used to" he asked

"Now I can see that you are tired. Why don't we do that tomorrow." I said as I ruffled his hair while he smacked my hand away.

"I hate you" he mumbled.

"The feeling is mutual" I said as I kissed his cheeks and he pushed my face away.

"I am not some sort of teddy" he says standing up trying to get away from me. And that is how we ended up chasing each other around with lot of noise which annoyed mom.

Chapter 8 is up.I have other chapters written down but  I will not be updating till after Ramadan.I plan on making the most of Ramadan this year.....................

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