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                           CHAPTER 11

We walked into the restaurant and located my parents. It wasn't those five star restaurants where you had to dress up to eat dinner. Luckily for us, my parents weren't really a fan of that. This was more like a family restaurant with a welcoming atmosphere.

"I was this close to coming over there to drag your lazy butts over here" Mom said immediately we said our Salams.

"We were just watching you both from here wondering what you were up to" Dad said as he signaled the waiter who took our orders.

"So what is the celebration mom?" I asked dreading what she was going to say.

"Your dad and I will finally be going for Umrah.We planned on us going together as a family but due to our late planning we were able to take only three. That is your dad, me and one person" Mom says waiting for us to react.

"Oh I get it but I think I can take it from here" I say so excited.

"Deen...."mom starts to say as I cut her off.

"Don't worry mum, I can explain to Deeni"I said turning to Deeni who held a confused expression "So Deeni what mom is trying to say is that. She wanted us to go as a family but because of unfortunate circumstances, you wouldn't be going. So while mom, dad and I would be at Makkah doing umrah, we will also be praying that you don't miss us too much. I will send you a beautiful view of the ka'abah from my hotel room. You are really an understanding brother" I said hugging Deeni who was still looking at me.

"Deena why don't we let mom finish talking" He said after I released him from our hug.

"Mum I am sure that I have said everything all but that is okay, it would make him feel better hearing it from your mouth"

"Deena I am sorry to say but I don't know where you get your information from. I thought it was fair if we didn't take any of you but your dad thought it will be okay to take Deena. Maybe that is where you got your information from." she said as I opened my mouth in shock. So I was partially right.

"Dad?"Deeni said as dad laughed.

"I don't have a favorite child. You are soo matured compared to Deena here." Dad said as he and Deeni shared an understanding look

"Dad? Are you trying to say that I am childish?" I said as dad looked at me.

"You will always be my baby girl even when you are 30"Dad said trying to explain himself.

"So what am i?"Deeni said asking.

"Oh will you guys stop torturing your dad?" Mom said cutting our torture game off. Growing up we always tried making dad to choose a favorite among us especially when Deeni and I fought. I guess it became a habit during times like this. It is kind of our thing. We tried that on mom once but she got all emotional on us and we never did that on her again. It was awkward.

"The food is here" I said as the waiter brought our stuff. I couldn't help but notice how she tried to get Deeni attention. How crude of her but by the look of things, Deeni was too busy chatting with dad to even notice her. I thank God mom didn't notice if not she would have been ranting about how disgusting her character was and demand that Deeni and I get married as soon as possible to save us. It once happened but we were sixteen then.

"So mom about the third person going?" I said asking my mom as I dug into the heavenly pasta.

"Finally you would allow me talk" She said setting down her fork. "We would be taking Mrs Suleiman with us. She is a convert who I became friends with overtime and we also planned that while we are away, you and her kids will stay together. It would be better and the best thing is that they are both your age mates"

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