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I ran into Deeni room only to find him sleeping. Well I expected that but the excitement was already running through my vein.

"Deeni" I whispered yelled into his ear but he didn't move.Alright.I jumped on top of his sleeping body.

"Deena what is wrong with you" He screamed as we both fell on the floor.

"Well salaam to you too dear brother" I said trying to get his ridiculously heavy body off me.

"Tell me why I am stuck with a sister like you anyway" He said not trying to get off me.

"For a start, you can save me from dying from suffocation. How much body fat is even stored in this body of yours?" I said.

"Those are muscles. My wifey will sure be grateful since my sister isn't. You are meant to be proud of all this"Deeni said getting off me so he could flex his muscles.

"I sure pity your wife" I say standing up.

"Just pray your husband will be like me. I know you want that" He said.

"So aren't you excited?" I asked him jumping up and down.

"For what?" he asked picking his phone from his bedside table

"Our day out dumbo"I said picking one of his random balls lying around.

"Yes I am"Deeni reply sarcasm dripping from his voice.

I give out a loud huff as Deeni walk towards the bathroom.

"Well be fast because I have planned a lot for us to do" I said dropping a t-shirt for him on his bed. Yes we are twinning.

"Okay vulture"


"Iguana" I said as I banged his room door so I can't hear what he says. Well everyone always wants to have the last say. I am no different.

I sat down in the kitchen eating my breakfast waiting for Deeni to come down. I really wonder why he takes long to dress up.

"Deena what am I wearing?" an annoyed Deeni asked.

"Well, you are wearing a really cool shirt.You look splendid." I said passing him his food.

"I can't wear the same shirt with you. We are twins okay? I am okay with the fact that we look alike. We don't have to wear the same shirt"Deeni said settling down to eat his pancakes.

"It looks like you are quite moody today" I tell him. It was soo true.Deeni seemed to be moody about everything nowadays. I know something is up but you can never make Deeni open up.

"Deeni, we don't have to do this if you don't want to alright? I was just trying to bring back the old times. All you have to say is I don't want to do this and I will understand" I tell him.

"I am sorry Deena I swear I want to do this. It is just that a lot of things have been going on in my life. I swear I love this shirt and I don't care if we wear this shirt because today is about us. We've got no worries"
"Hakuna matata"I said laughing.

"I miss lion king. We need to watch that again sometime"

"That is so true. I knew this shirt will look good you" I said tugging at his shirt.

"Anything would look good on me. It is not my fault that I am drop dead sexy and handsome" He said allowing his stupid ego get the best of him.

"Too bad I look better." I said adjusting my hijab while Deeni cleared his plate.

tamed by her loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin