chapter 3

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After the Friday prayer,I jumped into Deeni car.

"what took you so long"he asked looking slightly annoyed

"I met two kids and they refused to stop crying unless I played with them"I told him mentally rolling my eyes

"Couldn't you just pick up those sweets in your bag and given them?I thought they loved sweets"Deeni said

"If you weren't scared of kids,then you will know that not all kids are the same"

"I'm not scared of kids.I just hate it when they cry or release their insides on you.that's disgusting"

"Now you see what mom went through"

"Yes and i respect her for that"

"Seaweed brain"

"Ice cream thief"

"Like that can beat seaweed brain"I told Deeni knowing I had won him this time.

"she can talk?"I heard a voice say.So he was here.I tried my best not to look at him.I could see his face through the side mirrors.

"That's why she has a mouth on her face"Deeni replied him.

"You said she was mute"jasim said .i could see shock written on his face.

I gave Deeni a look.mate?is that the best you can come up with.

"And you believed it right?"deeni asked him.

"of course"


"well she acts like she's mute"Jasim said as I turned and gave him a look.He raised his hands in surrender.

"I didn't mean it in a bad way.Just saying"he said as I turned back to look into the side mirror.I found myself trying to study him before turning my face away.

Deeni stopped the car as jasim got out.

"How can he believe i'm mute? like seriously"i asked deeni

"I don't know"

"And as for you.Is that what you go round telling people?"I asked him giving him one of my numerous glares.

"It's a joke"

"Why do boys have the brain of a six years old"I said .

"uh!you guys know i'm still here"Jasim said with a smirk.A very stupid smirk.

I mentally slapped myself.

"Yea just talking to my mute sister"Deeni said looking at me.

"you said it was a joke?"Jasim said

"Don't know"Deeni replied with a shrug

"I love jokes as well as pranks"Jasim said walking away

"what does that even mean?"i asked Deeni

"Just watch and see candyfloss" Deeni said starting the car

"Always up to useless stuff"I said as Deeni drove off.

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