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"Siblings are those annoying things that comes in a special package you can never get rid of no matter how hard you try"-yfirdaws


Deeni dropped me off at home first after the really quiet car ride. I could feel the tension in the car. I knew they were waiting for me to get out before they said anything.

I slowly got out of the car and headed for the door. I entered only to be greeted by the smell of mom cooking. It looks like she came back quite early today. Mom and dad are into business. Moms' family owns chains of hospital if that is what you call. She is a neurosurgeon but now takes over her family business while dad is your normal business guru who took over from his dad. My parents are busy people but they never miss any important event from our lives like Deeni sport event right from when he was in the little league or my dance recitals or graduations or competitions or eid and a lot more. I guess it is because their parents never really attended most of those stuffs.

"Deena you are back. How was your day?"

"Stressful because I had to carry somebody who weighed as much as a car to the hospital and then sat down to die of frustration" I said as I picked a bottle of fresh orange juice from the fridge.

I walked up to Deeni room to wait for him. I looked at the photo frame I made for him when we were seven with a picture of us. That was the day I realized I couldn't marry Deeni.

We were playing on our own while our parents were videoing us.

"What type of house do you want us to stay in when we are older Deeni?"I asked him.

"Let me build it"Deeni said playing with his Lego.

"You guys don't want to live with mommy and daddy?" my mum asked.

"When we get married we cant live with you" I said putting my hands on my waist.

"But you can't marry Deeni when you grow up" My dad said.

"Why?" I asked

"Because he is your brother. It is haraam"Dad said

"Deeni did you hear that?" I asked him.

"Yes it is okay" He said as he continued building with his Lego.

"But I want to marry Deeni" I wailed shocking everybody.

"Don't worry since we cannot marry eachother, we can be best friends"Deeni said hugging me.

"But I thought we were best friends?" I said wiping my face.

"Then we can be bestest friends"Deeni said as our parents decide to take a picture of us. That has been Deeni best picture ever since. Part of me thinks it is because I look horrible in it.

I woke up to someone shaking me violently.

"Wake up you animal"Deeni says.

"Shut up" I mumbled as I went back to dream world.

Before my neurons could contact my brain, I fell on the floor.

I couldn't mistake Deenis' laugh for a hyena because his sounded like a Deeni.You know? That animal.

He jumped on his bed and watched me closely.

"What a brother you are" I told him making no attempt to stand up.

"Well let us be frank, I am amazing." he said as I threw his shoe at him.

"Do you know what other brothers would have done?"

"NO. Enlighten me" He says.

"They would have let their sister continue sleeping and would eve go as far as switching off the light and tucking in the duvet" I said finally standing up and sitting on one of his game chairs as he calls it.

"That is so bad. I pity them. I guess that is why I am not other brothers, like I said I am the amazing Deeni.Next time boast to your friends about that.alright?"He said sitting down next to me.

"I just wanted us to catch up because I feel that we are drifting apart. It is actually kind of sad. I can't believe I am saying this but I miss your company" I said playing with my fingers only to see a very happy Deeni recording it.

"I am saving this for the future. I noticed too but I was finally happy that you were leaving your shell and finally making genuine friends not friends that find me too amazing. If you want we can hang out now. I am okay with that."

"I know you are tired so how about tomorrow. You and me will have a siblingsdayout.It will be soo cool. I already have everything planned out." I said excitedly pulling Deeni into a really tight hug.

"What did I do now"Deeni mumbled as he freed himself from my hug.

"You know you can talk to me about anything" I said before leaving.

"I am not telling you anything" he said as I gave him my puppy dog face.

"Get that face out of my room"

"Fine I tried but I am here if you need everything "I said.

"I know Deena. I can count on you" He said as I snatched one of his medal and ran out with him on my tail while mum kept rambling about how childish we were with a smile on her face.

tamed by her loveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ