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In this obscuring darkness, the scene before their eyes wasn't quite visible. However, because this hazy sight was still utterly terrifying, everyone had fixed all of their attention on it; they were completely engrossed with what they were seeing.

They watched on as the relief sculpture on the column began to contort and twist disturbingly, as if something was struggling to break free from it. This state of distortion lasted for a brief moment. Everyone continued to gape as crooked, pale hands dug their way out of the relief sculpture. The two hands were incomparably huge. With curling fingernails painted a brilliant scarlet, the hands aimlessly groped around the empty space and eventually seized the wooden fence nearby.

The instant they grasped the wooden fence, these hands seemed to have found a point of focus. The creature began to exert more strength; it tugged on the wooden fence harder and sluggishly dragged its body and its head out of the pillar.

This entire scene was beyond grotesque and traumatic. Everyone stopped breathing on the spot.

"What are you gawking at! Run!" Ruan Baijie's holler woke everyone up from the petrifying nightmare they were currently experiencing. Lin Qiushi suddenly shook himself out of his daze. He paused and peeked up at the scene again, only to find that the monstrous thing had already squeezed most of its body out of the pillar.

"Run!" Ruan Baijie bellowed. "Run!!"

At her deafening orders, the stunned crowd wildly took off in all directions. Lin Qiushi also didn't dare waste any time; he gathered all his strength and immediately darted for the house.

The noises behind him were getting louder and louder. It seemed as though that thing had successfully freed itself from the pillar and began to pursue them relentlessly.

Lin Qiushi heard the sound of something slithering through the snow. He knew that he absolutely shouldn't turn his head around at this moment, but his curiosity won him over and he couldn't resist; he cast a glance over his shoulder and looked behind him.

He staggered in fright at the horrifying sight. Sure enough, that ghastly creature had pulled itself out of the pillar. It looked like a woman. She was naked from head to toe, and her long black hair was draped over her shoulders. If not all, her body was several times larger than that of the average person. Her limbs were freakishly long, similarly to a spider, and she crawled on the ground in a strange, crooked manner. Her face couldn't be seen clearly, but that didn't matter, for the most striking aspect about her was that thing in her hand, specifically, that long-handled axe caked with thick crimson liquid.

"Fuck!!!" Lin Qiushi couldn't help but spit out a vulgar curse. Before, he held a couple of doubts and suspected that all of this was merely a figment of his imagination, but this time, this abnormal thing was in full view of everyone. Witnessing this with his very own eyes finally made him understand just how real this unnatural space he had entered was.

Some of the others in the group had also turned their heads around, and, to put it simply, all who laid eyes on this thing were nearly frightened to death.

Everyone's desperation to survive led them to hasten their pace, but the snow on the grounds caused the narrow path to the village to be slippery. No matter how fast one ran, if they couldn't get anywhere, they'd be caught in a blink of an eye.

"Save me—" Xiao Ke seemed to have ran too fast, her foot slipped and she fell to the snow-covered grounds. She frantically tried climbing back up, but the dreadful fear that overcame her caused her legs to soften and collapse beneath her. She just couldn't stand up no matter how much she forced herself to. "Brother Xiong—save me, ah!"

Everyone thought she was as good as dead. After all, at this life-threatening moment, they couldn't even guarantee their own lives, so how could they possibly consider saving another person's life? But who would've imagined that, at Xiao Ke's miserable cries for help, Xiong Qi actually gritted his teeth and screeched to a halt. He twisted around and dashed over, lifting her from the snow and hauling her to her feet. "Fast! Let's go!"

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