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Upon seeing the deadpan expression on Lin Qiushi's face, Ruan Nanzhu pouted, "You don't want to kiss me?"

Lin Qiushi helplessly reproached, "Zhu Meng, stop joking around..."

Ruan Nanzhu boldly stepped towards him, "But I'm not joking. I'm quite serious, in fact."

Lin Qiushi warily stared at his face, trying to ascertain whether he was fooling around; however, there was no laughter in the other's dark eyes, only a clear reflection of himself. Having no other choice, Lin Qiushi bowed his head and gently swept away the stray hairs on Ruan Nanzhu's face, softly brushing his lips against the other's face and imprinting a warm kiss onto the other's forehead. It was a simple peck, one without any deeper emotion or desire; it was as though he was merely complying with a younger sister's unreasonable demand.

"There, I kissed you. Are we good now?" Lin Qiushi asked afterwards.

Ruan Nanzhu fell silent after being kissed on the forehead. He then exhaled quietly, slightly shaking his head. Without saying a word, he lifted his arm and slowly beckoned Lin Qiushi towards him, hinting that the other should come even closer to hear what he had to say.

Thinking Ruan Nanzhu was going to tell him what he and Meng Yu discussed, Lin Qiushi obediently lowered his head once again, putting his ear near the other's lips. But who could've imagined that Ruan Nanzhu would suddenly wind his hand around Lin Qiushi's nape, firmly gripping the back of his head, and drag the other's face towards his own, forcing their lips together.

A dumbstruck Lin Qiushi: "???"

Having finally tasted the exquisite sweetness he had long been craving, Ruan Nanzhu grinned in satisfaction. Licking his lips, he chuckled, "This is a kiss. Now, we're good."

Lin Qiushi: "You—"

Ruan Nanzhu: "Yeah, what about me?" His mischievous eyes curved into crescents, full of mirth. "Oh, perhaps you want to do it again?"

Lin Qiushi rubbed his aching temples, "Forget it." He finally realized that Ruan Nanzhu was teasing him, deliberately causing trouble. This person was obviously so normal in the real world, but why did he get the feeling that the other's entire being always did a full 180 the moment he entered the door world? No longer bothering to find out what two talked about, Lin Qiushi gave up on thinking altogether and dejectedly stuffed his mouth with a steamed bun.

In the end, what Ruan Nanzhu and Meng Yu discussed was a matter left unsolved, but Lin Qiushi had zero intentions of finding out; their secret talk could remain a mystery for all he cared.

Seeing that the exhausted Lin Qiushi had feebly retreated and wanted nothing more to do with this matter, Cheng Qianli bravely stepped up to the plate and cheekily inquired about the two's talk. But who would've thought that Ruan Nanzhu would simply squint at the boy, then aloofly reply, "What? You want me to kiss you too? Do I look like someone interested in children?"

A shy Cheng Qianli: "I mean, if you're willing..."

An indifferent Ruan Nanzhu: "To think you really are the brother of Pikachu, Mister Pick-a-Shoe for me to spank you with.1"

Cheng Qianli instantly withered, now sunken and depressed.

As they chatted amongst themselves, the tour guide arrived. She stood in an open space not too far from them, waving the small flag in her hands as before, and called out, "Gather around, everyone! Gather around!"

The crowd slowly shuffled forward, eventually grouping in a circle around the tour guide. Once everyone gathered around her, she counted the number of people, then announced, "There are twelve people here! Since everyone is present, we can set off!"

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