Chapter 118: Hello, Xiao Mei

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Lin Qiushi had a gentle temperament, but it was precisely when gentle people like him got mad that Ruan Nanzhu had no idea where to start. But inside the door, at least, Lin Qiushi didn't let any problems between himself and Ruan Nanzhu get in the way of business.

He was impartial when he told Ruan Nanzhu everything that happened after Ruan Nanzhu was locked inside the room; everybody's reactions and every single one of Xiao Ji's actions were the main points.

After listening closely, Ruan Nanzhu asked, "he was the first one to ask you where the key was?"

"Yes," Lin Qiushi nodded. This was indeed odd. Since Xiao Ji had been working with the Hako Onna, then he should've wanted nothing more than for the key to be buried. But instead, he'd been the instigator, willing to incur Lin Qiushi's displeasure for the sake of getting the key from Ruan Nanzhu.

If Xiao Ji hadn't been the mole, then there'd be nothing wrong with what he did. Now, however, with his role as the agent exposed, this was incredibly odd behavior, and seemed counterintuitive.

"I think this Xiao Ji knows something else." Ruan Nanzhu intentionally prompted Lin Qiushi speak more. "What do you think, Linlin?"

"Mh," Lin Qiushi answered impassively. "I'm guessing he knows where the tunnel is."

If they knew where the key and tunnel were, then they could leave the mansion. Xiao Ji had probably been scared as well that something would happen on the Hako Onna's side of things, and had been searching for another way out.

"I'm just worried he won't tell us," Liang Miye said, seated on another bed. "I don't know if Xiao Mei has a way of getting it out of him."

Ruan Nanzhu was thoughtful.

After a little more discussion, they got up and washed before heading to the dining room.

Xiao Ji was still tied up in the dining room. Last night, Sun Yuanzhou and one of his partners had stood guard. There had been no commotion the night before, and nothing unexpected had happened.

Before going to the dining room, Lin Qiushi went to where Xiao Ji said the fire extinguisher was hidden yesterday. He gave it a listen, but discovered that this chest already contained a Hakobito.

"There's a Hakobito," Lin Qiushi said.

Ren Ruyuan gave it some thought before saying, "Miye, go get Ren Ruyuan."

Liang Miye nodded before going upstairs and fetching Ren Ruyuan. Ren Ruyuan understood as well, bringing the gasoline with him.

"I'll use it on that then."

"Go ahead," Ruan Nanzhu said.

Ren Ruyuan poured the gasoline all over the chest and set it ablaze. Moments after the chest caught fire, a terrible screech came from inside. After that, the lid of the chest popped open, and a human covered in ghastly white skin crawled out. All its limbs were twisted up, and its entire body was compacted together, squirming and spasming ceaselessly. Fire, however, had ignited on its body, and from its flesh came a putrid scent a lot like burning protein.

At the commotion, everybody else in the mansion gathered, and they all witnessed this horrid scene.

But Lin Qiushi noticed something. He licked his lips, expression going sour.

It took a few minutes before the Hakobito's wails grew quieter, and for it to start looking like charcoal.

The group watched the unmoving Hakobito, all caught in a lingering silence until Xiao Mei's voice came from the door. She said, "isn't that Wei Xiude?"

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