Chapter 101: Countdown

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Because of the sudden assault, the three sat through the night like this inside the room.

The next day, Lin Qiushi only exited the room after seeing sunlight spill into the hallway. The moment he stepped out he smelled a thick, gamey scent. It was a scent he was familiar with—the scent of blood.

"Something happened?" Gu Longming had also smelled the blood and began to look wary. "Where's it coming from?"

Lin Qiushi sniffed, and determined the direction of the source. He said, "it seems to be downstairs. Come on, let's go take a look."

They turned for the stairs and saw at the bottom two people standing before the room furthest on the right. The door was wide open, and that piercing gamey stink was coming from that precise room.

Gu Longming, walking in front, asked, "what happened?"

"People are dead, right?" Zuo Sisi's tone was somewhat uncaring; she clearly had a high tolerance for the matter of death already. "Two of them. Dunno how they triggered a death condition."

Gu Longming sidled up to the window and took a peek in. Face going pale, he gestured with a hand.

"Ugh...It's pretty bad."

Lin Qiushi stepped up as well and approached the window. "Let me take a look too."

Through the gap in the curtains, he could see into the room. Everything inside was covered in blood, and the two dead people were stood right in the center. Something had switched their heads out for two plaster busts, and the white plaster was caked in congealed blood as well. It was a terrifying sight to behold.

"Where are their heads?" Gu Longming asked. "Have you found their heads?"

"No." Zuo Sisi crossed her arms. "We've only just discovered them too."

"No one knows who these two are?" Lin Qiushi asked.

Zuo Sisi shook her head. "I don't know. If you guys want to find out you'll probably have to wait a while. Some people aren't even awake yet...Look all you want, I'm going to breakfast."

Along with her companion, she turned and left, their silhouettes completely uncaring of the two corpses.

Gu Longming quietly asked Lin Qiushi, "do we go in for a look?"

This place really didn't give off any good feelings at all.

"Let's." Lin Qiushi thought that there might be some clues on these two bodies, though if they didn't have to, he certainly didn't want to go in either.

As the two spoke, Ai Wenrui stood behind them trembling with vigor. He looked practically electrocuted. When he heard Gu Longming mention going in, he honestly almost cried, saying, "I'm not going in, I'm not going in—"

"Enough already, just wait out here. No one's asking you to go in." Gu Longming never once thought Ai Wenrui had the guts to enter. As he spoke, he took the first step in.

It looked like some other people had already came in for a look-around—Gu Longming spotted scattered footprints along the edges of the room.

Lin Qiushi approached the two corpses and discovered their bodies oddly transformed. Though they were dead, their bodies had not softened. In fact, they'd hardened like cement, posing in a state of rigidity.

Their heads had been physically ripped off—the muscles on their neck were even visibly torn. Gu Longming searched around the room but could not find their heads.

"No skulls."

Lin Qiushi nodded his understanding. He bent down before the two dead bodies for a closer inspection, but all of a sudden spotted something. With a cautious hand, he reached into one corpse's pocket and patted around. Moments later, he pulled out a tiny wooden doll from the pocket...

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