Chapter 68: The Butterfly's Death

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Going to the dean's office now was actually quite risky. But sometimes, without taking any risks, it was hard to earn the hints.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu meandered up the staircases, quickly coming to the floor where the dean's office was located.

It was nearing 12AM. The entire sanitarium was steeped in darkness, with only the room on the top floor emanating a spot of light, grabbing all attention.

The sounds of the nurse jumping had continued in sporadic thumps of a great weight hitting the ground. It was really quite haunting.

Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu didn't go straight for the dean's office. Instead, they found a hidden spot first to observe.

The lock on the dean's office had been broken off, so anyone who wanted to could get in. Watching the window, Lin Qiushi could vaguely see a silhouette moving inside the office.

"It's a person, right?" Lin Qiushi spoke quietly to Ruan Nanzhu.

"Probably," Ruan Nanzhu responded.

If it wasn't a person, it likely wouldn't have a shadow.

Since it was a person, what were they doing so late in the dean's office? Lin Qiushi was just thinking this when he saw the office door push open.

A person he'd never anticipated came out from within. It was the girl they'd met once during the day, Hu Die. Her expression was cool, and her skin, under the white lights, appeared even more devastatingly pale. In her arms was a parcel, with something seemingly placed inside...

Before Lin Qiushi could respond, Ruan Nanzhu, who'd been behind him up until this point, took a sudden step forward, calling out: "Hu Die."

Hu Die's steps halted. When she heard the call for her, Lin Qiushi could clearly see her expression turn to horror.

"What did you bring out?" Ruan Nanzhu asked softly.

Peering once at them, Hu Die immediately turned and ran. Fortunately, Ruan Nanzhu was prepared, striding forward the few steps to stop Hu Die on the run, taking her by an arm with a firm grip.

Lin Qiushi followed quickly, watching as Ruan Nanzhu smiled coolly in Hu Die's face.

"Why are you running?"

Hu Die didn't respond, staring at Ruan Nanzhu with fear and resentment as she said, "it's none of your business. What I'm doing has nothing to do with you—"

Ruan Nanzhu completely ignored her and made a grab for her bag.

Hu Die held on with her life, but in the end, she was a woman—her strength couldn't be compared to a man's. The package in her arms ended up in Ruan Nanzhu's possession.

When Ruan Nanzhu opened the bag and saw what was inside, his brows furrowed, expression going sour.

Lin Qiushi got close as well—and saw that the bag was, in fact, a piece of cloth wrapped around the baby's corpse. It had obviously been fetched fresh from the dean's office. He glanced at Hu Die, and found her shaking all over.

"Let me go—" Hu Die said. "Let me go, she's coming back, and when she sees the child missing, we're all dead!!"

Ruan Nanzhu watched Hu Die, tone icy: "She? You're talking about the nurse? So why did you steal her baby?"

Hu Die replied, "I wasn't stealing, I just thought this thing was important! Maybe the key is inside... So I was just taking it back to have a look." Or so she claimed

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