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Ruan Nanzhu had always been sensitive to his surroundings, so it wasn't as if he didn't notice Xu Jin's strange behavior. Yet, he still feigned obliviousness and simply sat at the table, completely indifferent; his expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest the entire time. After dinner was over, Ruan Nanzhu signaled to Lin Qiushi, beckoning him over to a remote corner.

"What's the matter?" asked Lin Qiushi.

"Something might happen tonight. Stay on your guard." Ruan Nanzhu cautioned. "And be sure to wake me up if I end up sleeping too deeply."

"What'll happened?" Lin Qiushi wondered. "Is it related to Xu Jin?"

Unable to give a definite answer, Ruan Nanzhu vaguely replied, "It's just a speculation."

"Oh, okay." Lin Qiushi nodded, no longer continuing to press for answers. "I'll be careful."

The atmosphere in the room that night was eerily unnerving. Like a frightened puppy, Cheng Qianli huddled himself under his covers, not daring to cause any more trouble. Ruan Nanzhu, as usual, fell asleep early. It was just Lin Qiushi who was left alone, restless and staring into darkness, struggling to get some shut-eye.

Despite closing his eyes, he couldn't be any more awake. In the stillness of the night, his ears were even more sensitive to noise. The delicate movement of the leaves and grass, the cool breeze, and even the glimmering moonlight—he could hear everything. What he was experiencing was difficult to describe in mere words. Every sound he captured was like a piece of a fractured puzzle, slowly being put together, allowing him to paint a full scenery in his mind.

But this state of tranquility was soon shattered.

An abrupt rustling burst his eardrums, rippling the serene image being painted in his mind.

In the dead of the night, where everything seemed so ordinary, sudden sounds like this were always foreboding. He clearly heard someone climb down from their bed and plod about. They quietly made their way to the entrance of the room, the floorboards creaking underneath their weight, and carefully pushed the door open.

Lin Qiushi cracked his eyes open a slit, only to see Xu Jin leave the room.

"Nanzhu. Nanzhu." Lin Qiushi gently shook Ruan Nanzhu in an attempt to wake him from his deep sleep, but Ruan Nanzhu remained motionless; it was like he was in a coma, rather than sleeping. He roughly shook him a few more times, but Ruan Nanzhu still didn't show a response. Giving up on waking the slumbering Ruan Nanzhu, Lin Qiushi instead called out to Cheng Qianli, but who knew that Cheng Qianli was also someone who slept like the dead.

If he delayed any further, he might lose sight of Xu Jin. After hesitating for a split second, Lin Qiushi got up and decided to investigate alone, putting himself in a risky situation.

He quickly put on his shoes and cautiously trailed after Xu Jin.

Xu Jin made her way down the long corridor and exited the bamboo hut they were currently lodging in. Judging from her direction, she seemed to be venturing deep into the wilderness.

Not daring to follow her into the dark jungle at this ungodly time, Lin Qiushi just watched her from afar.

But just when she reached the entrance of the jungle, she halted and raised her head, gazing up at the radiant full moon in the dark skies. All of a sudden, she began pulling off her clothes.

Lin Qiushi was stunned by this scene. He certainly didn't expect Xu Jin to come outside just to strip.

First was her jacket, then her T-shirt, and finally her undergarments. Xu Jin completely removed her clothes; her pure white skin was now fully exposed, glistening under the pale moonlight like lustrous ivory, exuding an alluring brilliance. It was such a surreal sight. But of course, the gentlemanly Lin Qiushi didn't dare continue to watch her. I didn't see anything; I saw nothing1. Once she began pulling her clothes off, Lin Qiushi immediately averted his gaze—that was, until a sharp sound came from her direction.

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