Chapter 130: Another World

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The familiar queen bed, the familiar decorations. Everything about the apartment was exactly as Lin Qiushi remembered. Lin Qiushi took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. He tried going to the living room first.


A faint catcall suddenly came from the living room. Lin Qiushi looked up and saw Chestnut perching on the corner of a sofa, looking exceptionally sweet. Chestnut tilted its head, watching Lin Qiushi with emerald eyes, and chirping out a litany of meows like it was urging Lin Qiushi to do something.

Lin Qiushi was more than familiar with this call; he looked at Chestnut's food bowl and sure enough, it was completely empty of dry food. The cat wanted Lin Qiushi to quickly refill its bowl.

If this were reality, the first thing Lin Qiushi did would surely be feeding Chestnut, but he was quite clear on the fact that he had entered a door. As a result, he did not take immediate action, instead looked around the apartment first.

The interior of the apartment was exactly the same as when he'd moved out. There were even some freshly washed shirts drying on the balcony and fresh fruit in the refrigerator. The entire house was filled with the breath of life.

Lin Qiushi took a large lap around the apartment and slowly approached the door. He took the doorknob and twisted it lightly open.

A crack appeared in the door, enough for Lin Qiushi to see what was beyond.

The sight that met Lin Qiushi's eyes was a long corridor, with door number plates hanging on both sides. It was no different from Lin Qiushi's memory.

Chestnut began to meow again. It hopped down from the couch and came over to Lin Qiushi's feet, rubbing and bumping its body against Lin Qiushi's ankles. Lin Qiushi looked down and stared at Chestnut for a long while, before slowly bending down to pet the cat in front of him.

Soft fur and warm skin. It had to be said that the moment he embraced Chestnut, Lin Qiushi let out a huge sigh of relief. He took Chestnut in his arms, scratched under its chin, and called out Chestnut's name.

A satisfied rumbling came from Chestnut's mouth, and the creature looked to be in perfect bliss. Still holding it, Lin Qiushi went to the kitchen and fetched the cat food, filling up the entire bowl.

Chestnut hopped down from Lin Qiushi's arms, stood in front of the cat bowl, and began eating with vigor.

Lin Qiushi watched it eating and remembered something. He fished his phone out of his pocket and called a number, but as it went through, the display showed that the number that Lin Qiushi called was not connected. When he heard this spoken through the phone, sweat began to dot Lin Qiushi's palms. He looked through his call log with a number of awful possibilities surfacing in his mind—most of the numbers in the log, Lin Qiushi still had some impression of. Many key people were missing though...every member of Obsidian had disappeared, and Ruan Nanzhu was naturally included.

And when Lin Qiushi called Ruan Nanzhu's number just now, it showed that this number didn't even exist.

A feeling like suffocation churned in Lin Qiushi's chest, and he was forming all sorts of bad conjectures. In the end Lin Qiushi changed out of his pajamas and left the apartment. He took the elevator all the way down and came to the entrance of his residential complex.

The time was mid-summer, and it just hit 6PM. Everybody was leaving work, and the busy sight of people come and going was everywhere he turned.

Lin Qiushi stood at the entrance, called for a ride, and headed straight for a location outside the city.

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