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After a few months, Lin Qiushi was about to face his sixth door.

He thought that Cheng Qianli, who was also going through his sixth door, would be going in with them just like last time. Unexpectedly, however, Ruan Nanzhu had decided to let them go separately this time round.

Although the reason for this decision was unclear, Ruan Nanzhu always has his own reasons for doing things, so Lin Qiushi decided not to pry.

They were still around a dozen of days away when Cheng Qianli got a hold of his clue ahead of time. According to the usual routine, everyone would help out with researching on the clue, but this time was an exception. Cheng Qianli's clue remained a secret to everyone within the villa except to himself and his brother.

Cheng Qianli was pretty happy when he got the clue. When Lin Qiushi asked him what exactly he was so happy about, Cheng Qianli answered, "Hehehe, my brother won't let me tell you."

Lin Qiushi: "......" Although Cheng Qianli was sometimes muddle-headed, he was quite obedient to his brother's orders when it came to important matters.

When Cheng Qianli was done giggling, he said to Lin Qiushi, "I'll tell you on the fly after I come out. Have you gotten yours yet?"

Lin Qiushi shook his head, "Not yet." For the time being, Ran Nanzhu hasn't given his hint; he seemed to be pondering over something.

"You have big brother Ruan to accompany you, so don't worry. Nothing would happen," said Chen Qianli.

"En. " Lin Qiushi nodded his head, "Hopefully everything will go smoothly for the both of us."

Cheng Qianli gave a simple-minded smile, "Cheers to a smooth journey."

A few more days later, Lin Qiushi finally received the clue to his door. This time, it was only one word: Slenderman.

"What is this?" Lin Qiushi asked, "A folklore?"

"It's an foreign urban legend," Ruan Nanzhu answered. "It's also popularly known as "Slenderman" Have you ever heard of it?"

After pondering over it, Lin Qiushi nodded his head: "I think I have an impression." He remembered watching a movie in this genre.

Ruan Nanzhu tossed him some files: "At a look at these first. Although there isn't much information, it's still better than none."

Liu Qiushi picked up the file and began to read.

The file recorded detailed information about slenderman. This is an urban legend about a faceless, humanoid monster with long, thin limbs. Its long and thin limbs made it look like a spider with the appearance of a human. These creatures usually roamed in the wilderness or in small towns. They mainly preyed on children who were left out alone. Of course, they could and would lay their hands on adults. The targeted children would inexplicably disappear and the targeted adults would experience ominous indications such as constant nosebleeds, nightmares, and even hallucinations of their worst fears.

These information also included a detailed list of the methods and special characteristics of how these slendermen murdered their victims. For example, they liked to impale their victims on tree branches and let them bleed to death. They also liked to dig out their viscera to place into plastic bags.... In short, even outside the world of the doors, those who were faint of heart would probably be a little afraid even when reading about this urban legend.

Lin Qiushi finished reading through the information very quickly. Just when he had thought that these were all the needed preparations, he found out that Ruan Nanzhu wanted to take him out shopping for clothes.

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