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Since arriving here, they've eaten several meals cooked by the mother of those triplets.

Although each meal prepared for them had its own distinct taste, one thing for sure was that almost all of the ingredients used in every dish were extremely vegan-friendly; that was to say, none of these dishes contained a single trace of red meat. If they were lucky enough to have an egg on their plate, then it would be considered the ideal balanced diet for weight loss; in fact, even one egg would practically be better than any of the meatless meals here—Xu Xiaocheng had even complained about this countless times, utterly dissatisfied with the lack of meat in their food.

However, today's meal was clearly different, for what was floating in that clear, steaming broth were bright-red meatballs. The color of those meatballs was strikingly attractive, occasionally revealing an enticing deep crimson shade. The rich aroma hit everyone's nostrils, arousing their senses. If they hadn't just witnessed a horrifyingly gruesome murder scene, everyone surely would've succumbed to the temptation before them and dug into the meal by now.

"Eat up," prompted the woman. "Hm? Why aren't any of you eating? I made this just for you." Her hair was disheveled, and her face carried an eerie smile. She stood beside the table and slightly stressed, "Go on, eat. It's very delicious."

Not a single person raised their chopsticks; everyone was as frozen as a statue.

Although the meatballs looked undeniably tantalizing, everyone was obviously thinking the same dreadful thing—just what kind of meat was used to make those meatballs?

"Hm? How strange? Why won't any of you eat this?" Utterly baffled, the woman continued pestering them with questions. Carefully tucking her hair behind her ear and hunching her back forward, she took the initiative to pick up some chopsticks and soon reached for a meatball. "It's very delicious."

She raised her chopsticks to her mouth and gobbled the meatball whole. Bits of the juicy, blood-red meatball were stuck between her bright white teeth; the way she chewed loudly as the grease dripped down her lips made it seem as though the meatballs were unimaginably exquisite.

Watching this nauseating scene stimulated Xu Xiaocheng, once again leaving her with her hands tightly covering her mouth in an attempt to suppress her desire to hurl. The others' complexions weren't looking any better than hers, but the woman didn't seem to notice this. She caught another meatball with her chopsticks and proceeded to stuff it into her mouth, her face colored with pure satisfaction as she ravenously swallowed it down.

"Crunch. Crunch." With every meatball devoured, the hostess' face grew more content. Issued from the depths of her mouth was a dull sound similar to that of fragile bones being chewed on. Xu Xiaocheng finally couldn't endure hearing that disturbing noise. Shoving her chair back, she jumped to her feet and darted for the restroom.

One by one, the others also left the table, wanting to stay as far away from this lady and her steaming pot of meatballs.

Finally perceiving their terror, yet seemingly unable to understand the reason for their expressions of fear, the woman mumbled to herself, "Is the food I cooked not tasty? But everyone likes it, all of them like to eat it!"

The room was filled with a deafening silence. No one breathed a word. As of this moment, everyone missed that bland, dry bread from before; at the very least, something that plain shouldn't have any problems with it, and they certainly wouldn't feel as averse to eating it.

While some were still seated around the dining table, the two remaining sisters appeared. Hand in hand, they stood motionlessly at the doorway, silently watching their mother gorge herself.

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