Chapter 14

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Blake p.o.v

We were about to start off again after staying in that cave until Sebastian spotted something in the water floating towards us, we weren't sure what it was until we saw blonde hair and we thought it was a person. Myself, Ryan and Sebastian all swan out to help whatever it was, however when we got back into the game with the body we found out that it was a female vampire with only one arm Morgan was about to examine the vampire with her magic but Ryan stopped her and pointed to her missing arm.

Ryan - that looks like ice magic.Scarlett's ice magic.

Morgan looks at the arm for a few seconds before answering.

Morgan - it's the Luna Queens magic alright but that's not what killed her. Guys, can you check?

Blaze and Axel use their magic to scan the body.

Blaze - that's some strong magic.

Axel - looks like she was drained of her life.

Everyone looks shocked as I ask.

Blake - are you saying Fabian did this to her?

All 3 of them nod yes to my question, dam it I didn't realise he was that strong but still that gives me more of a reason to find his Castle and my Scarlett. Doing the right thing we dig the dead vampire a grave in the cave, Dante soon mentions that she looks familiar and I remember who she is and I am not the only one.

Aleister - hold on, this is one of Fabian's mistresses.

Selena - now you come to mention it I do remember seeing her at the fight along with other 6 more.

Axel - 6 mistresses? Damm and here I thought 1 mate was enough for anyone.

Dante - says the fucker who has a mate at home but hasn't marked her yet.

Oh great here we go again.

Axel - I haven't marked her cuz she's not ready yet.

Dante - or maybe you don't want her, I will have her if you don't want her.

Axel - fuck you, Dante!! Jasmine is mine!!!

Axel gets into Dante's face his face burning with anger I don't believe that Dante knows what Jasmine has been through but he really needs to learn to shut his mouth.

Dante - what's the matter? Are you afraid that she might run off with a real male?

That did it Axel's fist connects with Dante's jaw and then a fight breaks out between them I give Ryan a look as if to say "break it up" even tho I want to see Dante get his ass kicked by someone we don't have time for this. Ryan, Blaze, Sebastian and me all work together to pull them apart each one of us said something hoping to pull them apart.

Blaze - guys we don't have time for this!!

Sebastian - come on break it up!!!

Ryan - That's enough you two!!

But it was my alpha voice that did the job or should I say fists as I punch the pair of them with such force they both fall to the ground.

Blake - will you two give it a fucking rest!!! If you two want to fight then fight me!!!

Everyone looks stunned by that action both Dante and Axel look at me as the others keep quiet...well most of them anyway at the corner of my eye I can see Amelia biting her lower lip at me Titan growls in my head both of us are frustrated as hell. I only brought Dante along because he was so he would stop trying to get Talia but now he's really pissed me and Titan off but I can't kill him or Axel as they are both members of my pack, so I take a deep breath then look to them.

Blake - now that I have your attention, Dante I told you the other night that to pack this shit in, I would send you back home but I know you would just cause trouble there too now I am saying this in front of everyone. Cause one more fight or say anything bad about anyone and I will personally banish you and give you the mark of shame. Understood?!

His face is full of fear as he gulps then nods yes.

Dante - yes Alpha.

Then I look to Axel who has a smug look on his face oh hell no not happening.

Blake - Axel wipe that stupid smug look off your face and another thing stop letting Dante get to you Jasmine is your mate, no one else you know the reason why she's not ready that's all that matters.

He nods to me the I give them the motion to stand up so they both do it dusting themselves off.

Blake - good now that's settled, let's......

I am cut off by a scent that we all can smell causing us to look to the entrance to the cave and there stands a leopard but not any old leopard.

??? - I thought I smelt mutt, oh and vampire too, oh goodie.

Great(!) That's all we need a fucking werecat, I fucking hate these things. There are a new of werecats clans out there I completely forgot to check to see if any lived here but I could have sworn that there wasn't any in the Congo, guess I was wrong.

Dante - oh it's a little kitty cat.

I wish Dante would shut his mouth the cat hisses at Dante which causes us to get into defensive mode.

??? - watch it mutt unless you want me to send to running to mama with your tail between your legs.

Ok, maybe I should try and calm things down before we end up in a fight with the Leopard clan next.

Blake - look we aren't here for a fight with you,

??? - there why are you in my territory? And who are you anyway?

Blake - we are actually here cuz we are on a mission, my name is Blake Quinn.

??? - Blake Quinn? Wait you are the Alpha king of the werewolves.

Blake - yeah that's me.

He laughs making us look at each other all confused, why is he laughing? What he says gives us a shock.

AJ - I thought you would be stopping by since Fabian has your Luna Queen, my name is AJ and I know why you are here and who you are, I know where Fabian's castle is.

Ryan - how can we trust you?

AJ - I know this jungle, I've lived here all my life when Fabian brought his castle here in cur right into the heart of my clan's territory, he killed half my clan off I am not asking you to trust me I am telling you I want to come with and take that bastards head off.

Aaron (AJ) James - Leopard shifter

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