Chapter 22

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Blake p.o.v

(Bloody scene)

Both myself and Titan finally get our hands on that fucker but if I am honest I am a little worried that Scarlett may see me differently after this, while the others are getting ready stuff packed so we can leave both myself and AJ are left in the room with Fabian, of course, he is begging for his life and for us to give his powers back but AJ isn't having it and punches him.

AJ - shut up you have had this coming for a long time.

Fabian - let me live and I swear I will grant you what your heart desires.

AJ scoffs.

AJ - how can you grant anything when you have no powers?

AJ looks at me as I ask the question.

Blake - how do you want to do it? Slow and painful or fast and painless?

Titan is itching to get out and rip this guys head off not to say I blame him ever since we saw him on top of Scarlett I have been wanting to do that too, however, it is satisfying to see him with his eyes full of fear as AJ's cat claws come out werecats never did like to wait for anything. Fabian looks past AJ to me and what comes out of his mouth causes Titan to break free in a rage he even has the nerve to have a smug look on his face.

Fabian - your wife will never forget me being so deep inside of her sweet pussy.

Titan - YOUR FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!

Titan takes full control of my body and I am pushed the farthest part of our minds. It feels like hours since I've been back here I've been trying to get back control but no luck but then I hear my mate's sweet voice which calms Titan down enough for me to push myself forward and let's me take back control of my body, however, I get a shock once I get to look through my eyes at what Titan did I could hear him whimper but he was still mad.

(Titan - I am sorry, I lost control. But that fucker deserved it)

Looking down to the floor to the sight of the bloody corpse of Fabian, his face all clawed, his jaw is dislocated, his chest is completely ripped open with bite and claw marks all over his organs and on his bones, one leg was ripped clean off I couldn't believe it I did this? Well, Titan did this? Maybe AJ did some? But that question got answered as I hear a groan from the side causing me to look over only to see AJ on the floor with Amelia trying to help him to his feet.

Blake - what happened to you?

AJ - your wolf has some strength on him, he threw me right across the room when I tried to get a piece of Fabian.

(Titan - my bad)

Scarlett - Blake?

I look to my queen who's standing beside me cuddling into my side I check her eyes to see if she is disappointed in me for not letting AJ kill him but I don't see that I only see love, the same love I saw the first day we met. Scarlett looks to the tribrids and gives them the orders.

Scarlett - Morgan, Blaze, Axel can you guys clean this place the smell of the blood is making me sick.

Blaze - what about the castle?

Scarlett then looks to AJ and asks him.

Scarlett - that's up to AJ since it was built on his clans land.

AJ looks around the room having a mixed look of anger and sadness on his face, while the tribrids do a short chant and Fabian corpse disappears who knows where they sent him but I really couldn't care.

AJ - I don't want it, this was my home before this castle was built all I've ever wanted is Fabian died and now he is I feel relieved but this will never be my home again.

Sebastian - where are you gonna go?

AJ - no idea I've got no family so there's nowhere I can go.

Amelia then asks something none of us expected her to ever say ever.

Amelia - you could always come with us?

She looks at me and Scarlett with pleading eyes bowing her head as she speaks, none of us have ever seen her do this before, could it be that she is trying to better herself for her mate?

Amelia - with your permission Alpha, Luna?

And of course, Dante has to open his mouth.

Dante - since when do you ask permission for anything other than to open your legs for them?

AJ hisses at Dante the mate bound must still be there even if he rejected her.

AJ - watch it dog!!

I go to break it up but Scarlett beats me to it.

Scarlett - enough both of you!!! Grow up and act your fucking ages, I for one want to go home to see my kids and pack members, also I don't mind if you want to be a part of our pack AJ if that's what's you want?

AJ looks to Amelia who is giving him a loving a longing look, who knew she could change from a total slut to a loving mate after being rejected?

Amelia - please give us a chance let me prove to you that I can be a good mate, even though you are a leopard and I am a wolf. I don't care just give me a chance, please.

He nods yes to her after a few seconds.

AJ - alright, but only one chance and he keeps his mouth shut.

He points to Dante who growls in response to that but quickly shuts up when Elise stands by his stand looks like our pack not only get our Luna back but gets a few new members. Ryan has to get the last word in before the tribrids get to work on destroying the castle.

Ryan - now that's sorted let's go home I miss my wife and daughter.


A/N just a little note to say that I hope you all had a nice and safe Christmas and when it comes to it a happy new year, as for this story it has 2 chapters left after this one I will try to get them out before the new year or just after....

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