Chapter 16

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Blake p.o.v

The others and Titan aren't sure what to make of this cat neither do I for that matter, however, Morgan looked into his heart and saw he was telling the truth about what happened so, for now, I am choosing to truth him but Amelia says something none of us expected.

Amelia - mate

She takes steps towards AJ with her eyes full of love Ryan stands beside me as he mind links me.

(Ryan - maybe now she will quit trying to fuck you.

I scoff at him.

Blake - I doubt it but I never expected her mate to be a Leopard.

Ryan - true, poor AJ I wonder if he will accept her after he finds out what a slut she is ha I just realised that Dante won't be able to get his dick wet from her anymore.

Blake - who cares? As long as he stays away from Talia and doesn't start trouble I couldn't give a fuck.)

Before Ryan could say anything else we hear AJ talking to Amelia and pushes her away from him.

AJ - just my luck to get a fucking slut for a mate, I could have accepted that you were a wolf but the fact that you smell off other males there so hell to the no-no

Amelia - no please don't say it, I can be a good mate I swear give me a chance.

Wow, that's got to be the first time I've seen her beg like that as she is down on her knees begging him for a chance with tears in her eyes not sure if they are real tho.

AJ - I can smell another wolf all over you and it smells fresh so I am guessing last night was when you fucked him?

AJ looks from Amelia then looks to the rest of us his nose twitching as he smells, he must be looking for the one who slept with his mate who in this case is Dante, Who he looks right at then bares his teeth.

AJ - your scent is all over her..... You can have her.

Amelia goes to take his hand but he moves away from her and she even starts to cry as he starts to say the spell of rejection.

AJ - I, Aaron James rejected you...what's your name?

Amelia - please don't do this to me.

Oh yeah, that's right he hasn't asked what her name is yet he looks from her to the rest of us.

AJ - what's her name?

Axel being the dick that he is tells him her name then he starts the spell again.

Axel - Amelia Wells.

AJ - I, Aaron James rejected you, Amelia Wells, as my mate.

Amelia holds her chest as she lets out a scream no one may like her but every wolf knows it can be very painful to be rejected so I kinda feel sorry for her only because of that. He then steps away from Amelia and stands in front of me I can see hurt in his eyes from the rejection.

AJ - if you want to get to Fabian's castle to save your queen then we should leave now.

Titan's voice come through the mind link before I could answer.

(Titan - he's right we must leave and save mate.

Blake - can you feel Savannah or Scarlett?

Titan - I can feel their emotions, I have tried to talk to her but got nothing something is blocking it and it's pissing me off.

Blake - keep trying Titan soon we will have our mate in our arms again.)

I can feel his happiness at that thought I look to AJ as the others wait for my answer as well.

Blake - I am going to trust you but make no mistake AJ if you betray me I will take your life with my own claws.

AJ smiles. The others are worried when we leave following AJ down the river in the rain however, a few miles down I can hear Titan whimpering.

(Blake - Titan what's the matter? You sound......

Titan - I can feel mate and she's in pain.)


Scarlett p.o.v

It's been a couple of hours now since we have been locked up in our rooms I am sorting on my window sill when mine suddenly the door unlocks then swings open and there stands Fabian, and he doesn't look happy mind you when does he ever.

Scarlett - what...

Fabian - don't fucking speak.

What the fuck was that? That's when I notice that his eyes are red things can't be good Fabian steps forward and closes the door behind him I get a bad feeling and a feeling that I need to protect myself so I jump down off the sill.

Fabian - the others have received their punishments and now it's your turn, the question is what can yours be?

"the others have received their punishments" oh no what has he done to them?

Fabian - I swore I wouldn't touch you while you are pregnant but after the disrespect, that was shown to me I have changed my mind about that.

Oh hell no.

Scarlett - you dare to touch me and I will........

Before I knew it I feel the back of his hand across my cheek then the stinging feeling of the slap.

Fabian - you are my mistress now, and I will treat you like one whenever I want.

He doesn't say anything but I feel a force pushing me face-first onto the bed I try to fight it but it's so strong, my stomach is hanging off the bed I worry that he will hurt my pup suddenly I feel something hit my lower back I try not to make a sound as I don't wanna sound weak but I get hit again and again and again the pain gets really bad I can't take it and end up begging for my pups life I don't care much for myself but my pup is another story.

Scarlett - don' pup you promised that my pup would never be harmed.

I turn my head to see he is holding a belt with a silver made belt buckle that's why the pain was so bad.

Fabian - you belong to me now so start acting like it cuz from now on no more Mr nice guy for you or any of the girls. It's a good thing that Blair has already given herself to me.

He says that last part with an evil smirk on his face, my eyes widen when I realise what he meant by that. No Blair No.

Scarlett - NO!!!!

I feel my ice magic coming as I managed to get one hand up enough to fire out an ice ball with hits the wall behind him causing him to let me up I don't waste any time as I use my speed to get out of the room and rush straight to Blair's. Even before I reach her door I can hear her sobbing, I am quick to reach her door and open it only to see her on the bed all curled up crying into her blanket. I knew she wanted to save herself for someone special so my heart breaks for her when I see marks that will soon become bruises on her thighs, that fucker must have held her down. I walk over to the bed and gently place my hand onto her shoulder in response she flinches and looks up at me her face is full of fear and terror, her lip has a little cut.

Blair - Scarlett he...

Scarlett - I know Blair I am so sorry he has done this to you.

I sit beside her on the bed and she puts her head onto my lap continues to cry there is no way Fabian is getting away with this he has to die.

(A/N since the last chapter was kinda short I thought I would make up for it with this one being longerish)

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