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Jungkook goes through the files thoroughly. He reads every line thoroughly, goes through every picture, listens to every recording. The officer wants to kmow every single thing about the case

Same weapon, same way of killing them. Not an easy death. Looks like the killer really wanted them to feel the death

Thousands of things going on in his mind.

"kook" calls out hoseok.

Jungkook leaves his desk and goes to his buddy

"lets call it a day man, want to go for a drink?" says hoseok

"uhmm" jungkook rubs his neck

"come on man please" he insists

"hobi i need to unload the things at my new place" he says apologetically

"Just one drink please ?"


Both the boys are sitting at the bar with the glasses in their hand

"Sorry hobi I didn't know you guys finalized it"

Hoseok sighs "yeah kook, last month we finalised the divorce. Sarah and i we both wanted different things so i guess this was the best for us" he took a sip

"i hope you are alright" kook looks at him

"yeah i am totally fine indeed now i am fine all these months with the arguments and everything it was disastrous" he looks down and shakes his head "some people are better off by not being together because their togetherness can only bring in chaos"

"true" kook sighs

"what about you have you met Jeena yet does she know you are here?"

Jungkook smirks "not yet"

"come on you need to tell your sister that you are here"

"yeah i know its just whenever I call her someway or other she reminds me of.... dad" he says the last word very quietly as if he doesn't like the existence of that word.

Hoseok knows how sensitive jungkook is about his dad so he always tries not to bring it up.

"still i think you should give her a call, she is your family you know"

"yeah ONLY family" jungkook takes the last sip and gets up "i really need to go now hoseok"

"ok bye man"

Jungkook was sitting on the floor surrounded with boxes, some opened some still packed.

The one he was opening now was special. Slowly he opened it and took out the scarf which was at the top. He inhales it

Still smells like you mum

Then he takes out some pictures. All of them were such happy pictures.

He sees one where he is in the park with his mom and Jeena. Then another one on his graduation then another one when his nephew was born and then he sees that one picture.

It shows a 19 year old Jeena's hand wrapped around her mother's neck and a 14 year old jungkook standing beside his father holding his hand. All are smiling looking at the camera.

Such a happy picture right?

Jungkook closes his eyes

"are we done with this bulls***,???" the man jerks away his hand from the clutches of his 14 year old, whose smile immidiately disappears

"i am getting late because of this"

"yeah late for drinking and gambling" says the woman who looks at her husband with utter disgust

He looks back at her

She avoids him and goes to the photographer to give him the money and asks him to leave. The stranger had seen enough she didn't want to get more embarrassed infront of him

"where did you get the money from" snarls the man

"i think you forgot i am a teacher Jungse" she replies back

"oh so you got the salary then" he looks at her "why didn't you give it to me"

"because I have decided from now on i will not give it to you, it belongs to me and my children not a useless drunkard like you" she spats

"Soo-ah" he yells. His eyes bloody red

"stop shouting, i have had enough. Enough of covering up for you and your dirty work. Every day i hear complaints about you! And you you disgusting pig! You harassed a woman yesterday?? How pathetic can you be!!" she yells

Both the children were witnessing all these

" shut up and give me the money"he shouts at the top of his voice "and yes yes i did!! You know why??" he smirkes in a perverted manner "her body was more tempting than yours!"

So-oh scrunches her face in disgust..

"you disgusting pig!!, you will not get anything from me"

"you bi***" he yells and was about to hit her when Jeena stands infront of him begging him to stop but the man was in no mood to stop

While all these was going on no one noticed that the teenage boy was holding a phone in his hand.

After a while someone starts to bang the door

Jungkook runs and opens the door which allows the two officers to enter.

He watches his mother crying and telling everything to the police and soon they arrest his dad and take him away.

Jungkook opens his eyes

Slowly he gets up and goes to the kitchen.
He looks at the picture in his hand

"that was the last day i saw you, its been 15 years and I never saw you again. For once you didn't bother to find out how we were doing... You didn't even bother to attend her funeral" he smirks with tears in his eyes

He lights up the stove and gets the picture near the flames.

May I never see your face again... Jeon Jungse

The entire picture turns into ashes

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