The Other Side

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The Chief kept looking at the offficer sitting opposite him.

It was 10 o'clock in the morning and after the tough night they had in the mansion and then in the hospital, the only thing they wanted was some sleep.

But their duty would not allow them to do that.

Jungkook cautiously looked up and saw his boss looking at him with the hand on his chin. His face was expressionless but still Jungkook could sense the disappointment in him

"I had really high hopes from you Jungkook"

Jungkook didn't reply,  just sighed

"despite of knowing the risk of such an act i decided to go forward with it because you were so confident about it" the chief lowered his hand and leaned forward "it was a DISASTER!" he sightly raised his voice on the last word

"our target escaped, Hoseok is badly injured, Jungse is furious and planning to file a case on US! How will we solve all this mess!"

Despite the chaos, jungkook maintained his usual calm demeanour "i will fix it all Sir, it was my responsibility and the consequences will also be my responsibility"

"it better be Jungkook. Also i now want that bastard to be caught as soon as possible!"

Jungkook simply nodded and left the room.

Now he was standing outside the hospital cabin inside which Hoseok was lying unconscious. He had a plaster on his leg.

The scene of the chandelier falling and injuring his best friend kept playing in his head

"i am so so sorry hobi" he said quitely and left from there.

The sun had almost set upon the horizon and the moon had began to peek up from the clouds.

Taehyung decided to take a stroll in the park just to clear his mind about the particular person and the issues related ro him. Little did he know he will find that same human being sitting in the park, alone, like a defeated soldier.

Taehyung frowned a little but he quickly realised that Jungkook was extremely disturbed about something.

So keeping aside his own inner conflicts, he went  towards him.

"hi"he said softly as he sat beside jungkook on the bench.

Jeon slowly looked up as he heard the familiar voice." hi" he replied.

"are you OK?" out of all the questions Taehyung wanted to ask him
"do you love me?"
"what did that night mean to you"
"why you never contacted me after that"
"what are we??"

He chose to go with a simple "are you ok?", because right now he just wanted to know why Jungkook looked so broken, he just cared about His feelings.

Jungkook didn't say anything just bit his lower lips. Taehyung got a bit closer to him and jungkook looked up at him.

Taehyung didn't say a single word but jungkook still felt the comfort and affection that radiated from the boy.

"i lost" he whispered and slowly he told everything to him, who just listened to him with a sad expression.

"Hobi got hurt because of me, this mission failed because of me and i couldn't do anything" he quickly looked away trying to hide his emotions.

Taehyung understood very well what jungkook was going through and how guilty he felt he also knew, nothing he said would comfort him so he did something else.

"Jungkook come with me" with that he convinced him to get on his bike and travel somewhere.

Jungkook was reluctant at first but then he went anyways.

Soon they reached a lonely road.

"what is this place?" asked jungkook

"just come with me" he got off the bike and jungkook followed him. He then started to climb some stairs that led him to the top of the hill followed by Jeon.

As soon as jungkook reached the top, his eyes widened.

There waas a magnificent church at the top of the hill and just behind it was the whole city of Seoul.

He just watched the brightness of the city from the top. He couldn't see the chaos, the traffic, the busy people or any other negative side . That place only showed the beauty of Seoul

"out of all the places i have been to this is the only place that shows the true beauty of this city" said taehyung as he sits on the grass, patting it a bit. Jungkook got the hint and sat down

"Seoul has its good and bad sides we always focus on the bad sides because that's what we are shown but its on us to search the good" Taehyung paused amd slowly kept his hand on Jungkook's

"i know there is nothing good in Hobi hyung being in the hospital but you need to look at the positive things Jungkook. You saw that monster for the first time, focus on HIM"

Jungkook looked at him

"think...think about every little detail that you can recall about that man! Think what is it that can lead you to him! This mission was not a failure Jungkook. You had an encounter with him, there must be something! You just need to look carefully"

Jungkook listened to everything he said. He remained quite and looked straight at the city.

Both of them were sitting on the grass close to the edge of the little hill.

Taehyung abruptly lied down on the grass.

Jungkook looked at him with a frown while Taehyung gestured him to lie down.

Slowly jungkook lied down.

And they both looked up at the sky which was full of stars.

After a while jungkook said

"All my life i have been very quiet. Not expressing myself, not talking to anyone and always running away"

Taehyung slowly looked at him and he was still looking at the stars

"but with you i feel different taehyung. I feel comfort and peace. So much that i want to run away from all the chaos and come to you for that peace. You make me happy without even trying. You make me feel things.. and for the first time in my life i dont want to run away from those"

He slowly looks at taehyung who was already looking at him with eyes full of love.

Jungkook scooted a bit closer and got up a little bit only to touch his cheeck with his hand and slowly put his lips on his.

The two man kissed with full passion while the moon and stars stood witness to the blooming love.

Jungkook carefully broke the kiss "I love you Kim taehyung" he put his forehead on Taehyung's

Taehyung blushed widely. Oh! How much he waited to hear those words.

Today he wanted to meet jungkook to bombard him with several questions little did he know it will all be answered with out even asking.

He looked into Jungkook's eyes which showed nothing but pure love "I love you too Jeon Jungkook" and the two again got into their passionate kiss which poured love and love.

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