The Black Box

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"Hey! Are you free?" Hobi asks as he approaches Jungkook, who was busy with some papers on his desk.

"Yeah! What's up?" He replies as he swirls around to find his friend standing with a file

"So I talked to those ex-employees of Jungse, and there is something I wanted to tell you."


"Do you know anyone named Bang Chyul ?"

Jungkook smirks and nods his head. "Anyone who is even slightly related to Jungse would know who he is."

"Who is he?"

"Bang Chyul is his brother."

"Hmmm. That makes sense. "


"So, according to these recordings, Byang Chyul wipes off every single track left behind by Jungse. In other words, he does all the dirty works. He takes care of the witnesses and destroys the evidence and everything else that needs to be done!"

Jungkook smirks "ofcourse! My great "father" isn't that smart to handle so much. "

"So the hospital Soomin was in has great affiliation with Bangchyul and what you told me about the marks... might be true. At least, that's what makes sense to me when we connect the dots."

Jungkook nods. "I think I will be visiting the doctor who handled her case."

"Yeah, his name is Dr. Song, he is the head now.

Jungkook nods, "Thanks! You did a lot for us, Hobi, " he says, placing a hand on his best friend's shoulder

"Please stop embarrassing yourself." Hobi just makes a face but doesn't resist himself from giving his best friend a side hug. And yet again Jungkook's heart gets filled with emotion for his best buddy!

Taehyung fidgets with the phone for a while, wondering if he should inform Jungkook about his little adventure??

He opened a photo of him and Jungkook and looked at it for a while...

"No! Not anymore, I can't do this to you anymore. Let me fight this on my own. " he sighs and puts the phone back in his pocket. He is adamant to keep Jungkook out of all these mess.

As he goes out, he also watches his brother Namjoon busy with the guitar.

Taehyung slowly approaches him and kneels down in front of him. Without saying anything, he brushes his finger over the guitar strings

"You gave it to me," Namjoon said softly, smiling at the boy in front of him.

Taehyung nods slowly

"You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself, Tae." he puts the guitar aside and holds his hand tightly. "And now I believe in you,"

Taehyung slowly looks up,his eyes moist. "Do you believe that I am not a..mon-ster?" his voice trembles a bit at the last word.

"Yes!" Namjoon replies, confident." V is just a part of your disease, just like a tumour, and we will work together to remove it. You are the most wonderful human I know Tae and please don't ever question whether you are a good human or not, because by doing so you will be humiliating mine and most importantly, Jin's upbringing "

Taehyung abruptly gets up and hugs Namjoon. "I love you, hyung."  Namjoon smiles and tightens his grip around Taehyung's body. That boy is his world. He would give his everything to protect him...everything.

"Hyung, I need to tell you something."

The two men were now standing outside a dense jungle filled with long trees and rusty leaves.

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