The Shawshank Redemption

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Namjoon was in his room looking at the picture that he considered more precious than his own life.

His fingers roamed above the beautiful face that was captured in that frame. The face that was smiling to it heart's content.

"So many years have passed Jin but I still miss a heartbeat whenever I see you" a tear drops on the glass

"You will always be my first love Jin" he presses the picture over his chest and tears roll down his cheeks. These two had so many dreams for their future but all was shattered to pieces in one night. Jin left and Namjoon was then left behind with an empty soul. Afterall, what can you expect from someone who lost everything.


Namjoon abruptly hid the picture as soon as Tae's voice reached him.

Tae entered the room all excited and jumpy. Namjoon got up and walked towards him

"Come hyung its all ready"  grins Tae

"Yeah lets go"

As Namjoon entered the room he saw it was all ready for the movie night but then his fell on someone


He immediately looked at Jungkook standing near the TV

Jungkook understood his concern and quickly went close to him

"Taehyung brought him" he said quietly almost in a whisper


Before namjoon could say something Jungkook pressed his arm "its alright we will take care of it"

Namjoon looked at his brother who was now sitting on the couch chatting with Jimin

"So everything is fine between you two now?" Jimin asks gesturing towards Jungkook

"Maybe" shrugs taehyung


"I dont know to be honest; he has been acting really weird for the past few weeks" taehyung says munching on the popcorn

Jimin again looks at Jungkook who  now seemed to be having a pretty serious discussion with Namjoon

"Are they friends?" He asks again gesturing towards them

"No idea man. Now it seems like he spends more time with my brother than with me"

Jimin thought for a while but didnt make any further comments.

Soon the movie started jungkook and taehyung sat on the same couch just opposite the TV while Jimin and Namjoon sat on easy chairs that were kept beside the two sides of the couch.

Namjoon sat on Jungkook's side while Jimin on Taehyung's.

"I heard this mo--"

"Sshhh Jimin dont talk during the movie thats annoying" Taehyung said putting a popcorn in his mouth which he took from the bowl kept on his lap. Jimin just shrugged and he also took some popcorns from the bowl

Jungkook saw from the corner of his eyes how anxious Namjoon looked. How can he blame the guy when he himself was extremely nervous.

One by one every scene went by and flashback of the past few days started to play in Jungkook's head

How do we start Namjoon? As per the doctor we atleast need to give him some hint

Namjoon nods and thinks for a while "we need to show him something that is connected to his past" he says rather gloomily...

Jungkook was dreading the moment that was about to come.

Namjoon sat straight as well.

Soon the scene they selected for this mission started to play.

The character Brookes gets released from the jail.

Jungkook looks directly at Taehyung who seemed all normal totally obliviant to what was about to happen.

The character walks into his house and soon a scene is shown where he hangs himself.

That one particular moment triggers Taehyung. His eyes widen as he sees the human hanging from the ceiling.
Bits from past hits him all at once. He sees flashes of a girl so innocent and cheerful then he sees her traumatized and finally he sees her......

"NOONA!!!" Taehyung stands up screaming at the top of his voice... dropping the bowl of popcorn on the floor. Namjoon also gets up abruptly while jimin sits there all confused looking at Taehyung with wrinkled eyebrows

Taehyung quickly runs to the Tv and starts screaming and crying banging the tv screen in such a way as if he is trying to bring someone out of the tv.


Namjoon and Jungkook rushes to him while jimin stays fixed on his spot. He has known Taehyung for years but he never saw him do something like this. He was shocked and confused.

"Taehyung please calm down please" Namjoon begs

"Somebody save her" he screams at the top of his voice

"Taehyung she is gone she is dead Tae" Jungkook says loudly but sympathetically.

Taehyung looks at him, his face all red and covered in tears. One part of his mind knew what Jungkook is saying while the other was refusing to believe what he was saying...

"Nooo" he screams and again starts banging the TV

"You need to listen to me Taeh-" before Jungkook could finish his sentence Taehyung grabs his neck and pins him to the ground, hard.

Namjoon shrieks "Tae NO!!!"

"What are trying to do huh??" He roars in a deep husky voice a voice so different from Taehyung's real voice

THE VOICE which symbolized his transformation from Taehyung to V.

It didnt take a moment for Jungkook to understand that it was V who was choking him.

"YOU PEOPLE THINK YOU ARE SO SMART??? WHAT YOU WANT?? TO STOP MY VENGENECE??? YOU CANT YOU CANT"" he chokes Jungkook hard almost blocking his capability to breathe.

Jimin couldnt comprehend anything that was going on

He couldnt recognize the voice

He couldnt recognize those actions

He couldnt recognize his own friend

then his eyes fell on Jungkook and he saw how he was almost out of oxygen. But as he was about to reach Taehyung he saw Namjoon coming from behind and putting some sort of an injection on his neck making the wild beast lose his stamina. After growling for a while taehyung fell on the ground making everything absolutely silent.

Hi everyone! So sorry for such a late update I promise I will try to update sooner from now on.

Also I saw some of you were confused that how Jungkook never recognized Taehyung's voice. This is because when he changes to V his voice changes completely.

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