Face to Face

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"Pick up pick up pick up" Jungkook kept on chanting as he drove his car to the fullest to reach St.Andrews International School.

Taehyung's school

Ever since the servant told him that Jungse had gone to St.Andrews to attend some program as a chief guest Jungkook has been loosing his mind. He tried calling Taehyung but his phone was unreachable thus he opted for Namjoon so that atleast he can go and do something.

Do something atleast

They cannot risk Taehyung seeing Jungse this would mean nothing but chaos. Seeing the face of the murderer will bring out V infront of the world and that cannot happen

Shivering from that thought jungkook pressed the accelerator hard so that he could reach the school as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Taehyung was busy preparing the students for Shakespeare's famous play Hamlet

"Revise the lines properly Nicholas I don't want you to mess up on stage and ruin my reputation " said Taehyung as he fixed the said student's costume

"Shakespeare's language is so hard it just twists my tongue" nagged Nicholas

"Stop being a baby now go I need to check on Ophelia as well"

Soon people started to fill up the auditorium.

There were parents and teachers and so many other guests it was all very crowded.

Taehyung was running from one corner to another making sure everything was perfect before the drama begins, after all this part of the program was completely his responsibility. He just wanted it to be spot on.

Taehyung was fixing the makeup of the students when one of the teachers informed that the chief guest was here

"Teachers let's go we need to be at the front when Mr.Jeon arrives...let's go hurry up!" The 25 year old blond urged everyone to rush to the front gate

Along with others Taehyung also walked down the stairs towards the front gate while Jeon Jungse wearing a black expensive suit steps out of the car.

Jungkook drives his car as fast as possible to reach the school while sweats of tension forms on his forehead

Jeon Jungse is greeted by the principle who thanks him for his huge donation to the school and also welcomes him as the chief guest. But what the poor old man didn't notice was all the time that he was speaking Jungse's attention was on the female teacher standing beside him

I wonder how good she will be in the bed

Jungse smirks thinking that but quickly looks at the principal who hands him the bouquet of flowers.

Taehyung lifts his head as he wasn't able to see the face of Jungse. There were too many people infront of him blocking his view,he could only see a bit of his side and shoulder.

Slowly the crowd seems to move apart as Jungse's face slowly starts to get more visible to Taehyung.

Jungkook's car stops infront of the school gate and he gets out without wasting a single second

Slowly the barrier between Jungse and Taehyung fades......

Taehyung sees Jungse......

He stands stiff. His eyes fixed on the face of the devil. Everything around him seems to fade away in smoke as all his senses stay focused only ON him. His pupils don't move, his expression remains stoic while a faint cry rings in his ear. Jungse was oblivious to the intense gaze on him as he was busy talking to the other teachers...

Jungkook runs into the auditorium and the first thing he sees is Jungse and Taehyung standing at 2 feet distance from each other, while Taehyung was completely stiff.

"Now let me introduce you to our English literature teacher" the principal tell Jungse...

The principal turns but frowns "Ms.Daisy where is Mr.Kim??"

Ms.Daisy looks beside her and finds the spot empty "i dont know Sir he was here just a minute ago"

Jungkook pulls Taehyung to the backstage into a corner surrounded with different costumes and masks. It was only them in that corner...

"Taehyung" he calls out as he makes him stand against the wall. Taehyung's head was hanging low and Jungkook could not understand if he was conscious or not.

He shakes him slightly "Taeh--"

Before he could finish his sentence he hears him laughing. A very different wicked laugh something that gives a vibe of bad omen

"How long will you protect him Jeon" he says in a deep husky voice, head still low

Jungkook understands who it was

He finally looks up with a smirk plastered on his face

V's entire aura was so different from taehyung

Taehyung was mischievious V was malicious

Taehyung had softness and care

V had vengence and anger

V didnt care about anything or anyone he was only bothered with revenge. He only believed in destruction

"You cannot save him forever jeon" V says as he gets closer to jungkook

Both were now inches away from each others face

"I will not save him, I will save Taehyung from YOU!" he says through gritted teeth

V laughs again "You cant jungkook I am a part of Taehyung. Taehyung is there because I am there and do you know what happens if you seperate us...."
He looks intently into Jungkook's eyes....

"He dies"

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