For each other

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Those words hit Jungkook's heart like a sharp spear. It's drastic effect made him lose all his patience and he hit V hard on the face


V looked at him with a stoic face even though he was just hit hard across the face "it won't change the truth Jungkook....I am a part of Taehyung and I will always be a part of Taehyung "

His hoarse voice echoed in that room

"You all know him as this sweet boy who cares so much for everyone who only knows love and nothing else but what about  me?? I am the other side of that's hidden from the world but is a part of him"

"You humans are so weak. You only want to deal with happy people happy memories but you are never brave enough to deal with love Taehyung but can you ACCEPT TAEHYUNG WITH HIS INNER DEMONS??WITH THE MONSTER?"

Jungkook grabbed his necked and pinned him on the wall

His face got closer to V

"You know so much about vengeance and hatred but you know nothing about love...V" he uttered the name through his gritted teeth

"Love accepts all. The good the bad the present and the past. I love Kim Taehyung. I have seen him being a human and being a demon and I" he looked straight into his eyes


Jungkook looked straight in those eyes the eyes he had fallen in love with. In his own eyes he had anger but slowly he replaced it with love with the aim of calling Taehyung with that love in his eyes

He lowered his voice "I will be with Tae through all the good and all the bad....I will help him be the person he really wants to be...needs to be. As long as I am alive Kim Taehyung will never be alone"

He slowly loosened his grip around his neck and put his forehead on his

"Tae, please come back to me"

Taehyung closed his eyes and his body swayed abit but Jungkook held him again and this time brought him into a hug

Taehyung opened his eyes and found himself in someone's embrace he quickly set himself free and saw that the person he was hugging was Jungkook

"Wh-hat are you doing here?"

Jungkook couldnt think of anything amd he didnt want to lie so he lowered his eyes and was about to leave when Taehyung held his hand

"Jungkook please! Please dont do this to me"  his voice was quivering

"Someday you tell me you love me and someday you are just gone. You are nowhere to be found! You dont talk to me and treat me like a stranger why???"

Jungkook was silent again

"I love you Jungkook and it hurts me to see that you are just ignoring my existence. What have I done?? Did I do something to upset you?? Did i do something wrong?" Taehyung was spitting out all the frustrations he had bottled up for so many days. The boy was extremely confused to as why was the man who told him that he loves him ignored him like this.

Jungkook looked at those teary eyes. He promised himself that he will make sure Taehyung is always happy but here he was standing infront of him with teatrs in his eyes and the reason was, Jungkook

What an irony.

Taehyung slowly walked towards Jungkook and hugged him

"Please tell me whats wrong Jungkook we can sort out everything by talking but dont ignore me like this please. Its its killing me" he weeped

Jungkook wrapped his hands around taehyung "i am so so sorry Taehyung" he said softly.

"Dont apologise, I am not mad I am just scared. Scared of loosing you" he tightens his hug and so does Jungkook

Jungkook knows that he needs to give taehyung an answer. Not because he wants to justify his absence no not at all. Indeed he is ashamed that he ran away from the guilt instead of facing it but right now he needs to say something just to assure Taehyung that he didnt do anything wrong

"I i me-et my father"he whispers near Taehyung's ear

Taehyung opens his eyes and gets out of the embrace. He looks at Jungkook who was still looking down

Taehyung was well aware of the history of Jungkook's father so he could totally understand how hard it must have been for jungkook

"Kook" he touches his cheek

Jungkook looks up "I am so sorry for being a coward Taehyung but the demons of the past were haunting me and I really couldnt think straight. I couldnt understand what to do"

Taehyung's heart ached. He just couldnt bear to see Jungkook so upset those tears were killing him. Now he felt bad for not being there for his love

"Oh kook" he again hugs him

Jungkook also hugs him tightly and buries his face in his neck "my father is a really bad man Tae. He is the real monster not.." jungkook stopped himself from completing the sentence.

He then looked up and looked at Taehyung

"Please dont hate me Tae, you are my everything"

Taehyung cupped his face "How can I hate the person i love the most. I dont care who your father is or what he has done. Dont think that my love is so weak kook, its not. My love can handle your pain your sorrows and your flaws. Dont ever think My love for you will go weak it will not. Believe in me and make me a part of your pain. Let my love heal you Jungkook"

Jungkook could feel the sincerety in Taehyung's voice. One hand he felt blessed to be loved by Kim Taehyung on the other hand he remembered the reality....

But right now he wants to forget all those and just feel the love

Jungkook cups taehyung's face and kisses him

The kiss was of love, longing and gratitude

At that moment they felt the purity of the love and how blessed they felt to be with each other.

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