Jane Austen

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A man with silver hair is crouched in front of the dead body. Very thoroughly he is looking at how the man has been cut and left to die

"inhuman" he thinks. He has been a forensic expert for the last 4 years but these murders are something that he finds quite unique. Why would an individual leave someone to bleed to death?

"yoongi" jungkook calls him out

Yoongi looks back and sees his old friend coming towards him. He gets up

"nice to have you on board kook" he smiles

"nice to meet again yoong" he replies

"yeah only if the ambience was a bit different" yoongi looks at the corpse

"so what do we have" jungkook asks looking at the body

"same technique, same weapon. A X sign and the letter" yoongi gives the letter, which was now in a plastic bag, to jungkook

"justice has been served" smirks jungkook "i wonder what this one thinks of himself, some messiah or what" he shakes his head in annoyance "any fingerprints"

"nothing. Not a single one"

Just then a boy comes running to them but just before he could reach them he trips

Both the men just stands there looking at the boy on the floor

Yoongi is least bothered and goes back to his work, as if nothing happened

Jungkook looks at him, with an expression less face, as the boy picks himself up.

"hello sir i am jimin, mr. Yoongi's assistant" he says

"umm hi" says jungkook

"sir we found this phone out there it has been smashed but looks like it belongs to the victim" jimin says handing it to jungkook, he gives it a look and later asks jimin to send it to the lab

After a while jungkook reaches the headquarters and he finds all his colleagues including Hoseok gathered in front of the tv

With curiosity jungkook also joins them

"we are thankful to the one who killed that b***** David Welsh. He is the reason my son died in the fire in that factory" a man says on the tv

"David was a greedy man who never cared about his workers 's safety and even when the fire broke out he didn't let them leave the burning building but the court let him go, the police didn't do anything!! But this man gave us justice. May God bless him" says a weeping woman

"can you f**** believe this s***!" hoseok looks at jungkook pointing at the tv "these people are thanking him? A murderer!! God!!"

Jungkook just looks at the news. This is something he is witnessing for the very first time... people are actually siding with the killer.

"hoseok i will be back" with that he gets out from his office

Jungkook needed to clear out his mind. Its not that he is disturbed by the gruesomeness  of the murders, no he has seen worse but this case feels really different to him. Something about this particular case is really unique.

He looks around and picks the quietest lanes to take a walk. Being an introvert jungkook has always preferred  peace and silence over crowd and chaos. Anyday he would prefer a quiet evening with a good book than a loud bar or a concert

As he was walking through the lane the window of a shop catches his eyes. Not really the window but specifically an item on the window.

A book

"Jane Austen" murmurs jungkook. Without further ado he rushes inside the shop. But even though he was as quick as lightning, someone else has got the book already.

A man

He was wearing a light green sweater and khaki pants. He was exactly of jungkook's height and had wavy black hair.

That guy's back was towards jungkook and he was reading the book standing infront of the cashier, all ready to pay.

"excuse me" jungkook politely calls

He turns around

Jungkook gets a bit taken aback.

He is gorgeous, he thinks. After a very long time he is seeing such a beautiful human being, you know the kind that can just make you speechless and forget that you were gifted with the ability to talk.

And thats what happened to jungkook, he was speechless.

"umm yes?" the person asked

Jungkook shook his head and returned to reality "oh uhmm yeah umm" he clears his throat "that book, its the original copy, i want it" he said in a very authoritative tone

"ohkay" the man looks at the cashier "hey Toni, can you give a copy of this book to this gentleman here"

Toni, looks at the book "eh sorry man thats the last copy we had and Taehyung already got it"

Taehyung, so thats his name

Jungkook looks at him "hey look please i need it i really do"

Taehyung shrugs "sorry buddy i bought it already"

"look please i will pay you double the money"


"please i will give you whatever you want"

Taehyung looks at him and tilts his head, "promise?"

"yeah" jungkook replies irritatedly

"i want to go to the moon amd build a house there.... Oh and the colour of the house should be blue", taehyung grins sarcastically

Tony giggles

Jungkook doesn't say anything just looks at him with a straight face

"come on man chill" taehyung says putting a hand on his shoulder "we really can't get everything in life right? I can't go to the moon and you can't get this book. Fair" with that taehyung walks away from there

"s*** head" murmurs jungkook

"i heard that" yells taehyung while exiting the shop.

"i heard that" yells taehyung while exiting the shop

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