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Gasping for air in a clammy sweat is not how I believed I'd come back to consciousness. After all, my last wakeful moment I feared for my life. It feels like it was only seconds ago when I fell into a dizzy spell, noticing an immense pressure in my head. Once my sight and hearing begun to fade I allowed myself to faint, and now I've come to mind somewhere else.

Now, a thickness in the air overwhelms my nostrils and my body feels exhausted. Im stiff but very much alive and not eaten; even though now I recall the werewolves had to spare my life for the Hunters' sake, whom I assume I'm in the hands of now.

My glued eyelids become difficult to pry open and so getting my bearings seems to be a lot harder than usual. Once I'm able to rub them open, I try to find the sources of life that my ears pick up. Discovering the room to have two other people accompanying me.

With only two other existing heartbeats, harsh breaths, and a tapping sound, my body jolts up into a sitting position; feeling my tailbone scraping against a hard floor. My brain notes how my body is against something cold and hard, while I blink trying to focus.

I'm quite confused, finally coming to and understanding that the dim room is more like a hallway of confined cells with barred doors. Finally being able to observe my surroundings I can determine that Luke is locked away in the cell across from me and as I lean closer with my face to the metal rods I can catch a look at Jane beside him in her own confined room.

Waking up in a cell throws me back to the horrors of imprisonment, but this place is much dirtier and reminds me of a less human-like prison. This isn't exactly what I'd imagine to be in a castle, but instead it's more of a dog kennel building that's rundown or overgrown.

Before I get anyone's attention I wait to see what I can perceive with my ears so I can monitor my safety and chances of getting free. My ears tell me that outside, birds are chirping and small animals are scurrying through leaves and bushes. I hear trees creaking, and a bit of a wind whistling through the air. This tells me that behind these walls is a forest, sounds I'm very accustomed to.

Not only this, but I can prove it's daytime with the activity from nature outside. This can benefit us as well because the werewolves are not going to want to expose themselves in daytime, unless they know the area very well. One thing is that I don't know if we are on Elyria or on Earth; with werewolves we'd never know.

The structure that holds us capture is much smaller than I initially thought, now hearing that there may only be one other room, but no signs of life in the building. With this I give myself free range to speak at Luke across the way, "Wake up!"

Jane stands, pacing forward a bit to stare at me through the enclosures, "Be quiet," Her stern huff makes me step back in judgement towards her. "...the wolves could hear."

Of course we should be mindful of the werewolves possible enhanced hearing, but I can promise none of them or in this building or right outside it, "This building is empty other than the three of us..." I keep my voice at a low whisper.

Pure fear instantly emerges inside my body when it comes to my mind, I had completely disregarded the rest of the group. How could I be so unconcerned about them?

Not hearing signs of others around me can only mean one thing: they've been taken somewhere else.

Without hearing any signals of Luke stirring, I bring my full attention to him sprawled across the floor. My breathing becomes heavy when I see dark bruises across his face, forgetting about the wolves and instead developing a huge concern for him.

I start with hesitation, "Luke?"

Hes up instantly, turning his head around like I was a stranger to him. Once he meets eye contact with me he sighs, coming to conclusion that it's only me, "Hi..."

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang