Company In The Torture Chambers. CHAPTER FOURTY-FOUR

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Accompanied by the Head Hunter, I'm carried over Koda's back into the occupied toruture chambers. Horror is stained in my eyes by catching a glimpse of Estelle and Lynn who are seated in torture chairs.

Off to the side of the room is a few tables, one holding equipment that's laid out ready to use while the other I can't quite see.

"You wanted to meet with an old friend, so here she is."

I shut my eyes tight, vividly remembering sitting in one of those chairs. Although I recall being strapped in with leather-like material against the hard wood, the reasoning and punishment is a distant memory.

Unintentionally tucking away the scene inside the box that was drilled into my head, realization hits me that they have full intention on cutting out my tongue today.

Within a matter of seconds I'm kicking and screaming against the trader I call my brother. I pound my fists into his back but it doesn't stop him from carrying me through the dimly lit room.

As the door clicks shut behind us I'm snapping my eyes open, finding Koda whirling around to talk to the Hunter. This gives me the opportunity to eye the girls at the end of the room. They don't appear miserable or seem fazed at all. Frighteningly enough they just look like they're patiently waiting for something. They're strapped in to the point of no escape; arms, wrists, legs, ankles, and stomach.

The Head man instructs, "Go over there." I hear him lift an arm to point but am unable to see where. "...the table will suit her much better."

His deep monotone voice gives me unsettling goosebumps against my skin.

Koda stops in his tracks, "Are you planning on knocking her out?"

The man doesn't respond, giving me a pit in my stomach.

Hanging over Koda's shoulder I lift my head, feeling as though it's a bowling ball. I scan my eyes around the room as I'm carried through the open space. Off to the side of the room in the opposite direction I'm going in a cage built into the wall, it's door is open freely.

Koda bends down, placing my feet gently to the floor but not letting go of my body. He spins me around by my shoulders, where my eyes catch sight of a midevil-looking contraption of a table. A torture table.

The Head Hunter takes over, yanking me towards it before my eyes can examine the equipment on the flat surface. My strength is low and my legs shake with exhaustion but I pursue the man by kicking at his shins. The distraction is enough to force him to face me, but before I can move a muscle his hands force my head into the table.

It smacks the side of my face with enough force to make me see stars. My ears ring as I gasp for air but I'm given no time to recover before the man lifts the rest of my body onto the table with ease.

I fall limp as the Head Hunter leaps ontop of my chest, holding my shoulders down. His weight against me feels like a boulder, suffocating me to the point of a strong wooziness.

My brain doesn't comprehend what's going on until a board is secured over my neck tightly. It prevents me from turning my head properly or seeing the rest of the room. I begin hyperventilating with the realization that the Head Hunter will be cutting out my tongue.

Koda refuses to give me any visual attention as if I'm just another prisoner he's putting away. He stands firmly, assisting the man.

"Stop resisting," Koda groans.

I huff, unable to breathe properly as they're unhooking my wrists from each other and outstretching them to be buckled into the table. They follow suit with my legs, then finally the Head Hunter is removing himself from me and strapping my chest into the table. Tears form in my eyes, knowing an attempt at resisting will only cause the straps to be pulled tighter.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu