Narrator: Part Ten

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Now it is time for the conclusion of our story to begin, but before we cut to Uncle Koda's perspective for the last time I have to remind you of one thing. All of the pieces you should have stitched together about me will now be clarified.

If you've figured out who I am then congratulations smarty pants, and further more if you understand where I come from then I greatly respect your intelligence.

If you have not then I'll elaborate further by reminding you of how my uncle ran into our little talking creature in the woods. This is where Rex revealed he knew of Koda's mind reading powers, explaining that only he'd know because of course Koda hasn't told a soul- yet.

My uncle was shown an overwhelmingly amount of memories and thoughts to reveal a family member, possibly all knowing from the future, or is it the past? Either or could be the answer regarding the current point in history. He reveals the upcoming events and tells Koda he must save Jane from being killed.

Now, for my friends who don't know it is time for me to introduce myself as Rex. Yes I, the talking rabbit who's actually not a rabbit at all but an intellectual of Elyria; a half Elyrian creature whom was cursed into the body of an unmagical critter. I am the son of Elenor Box, born before my mother's birth.

I was filled with enough knowledge of future events that I believed my destiny was to change the future. Quickly, you will discover that my statement to uncle Koda did not change the outcome, nor did it help him comprehend time travel is very real. Oh how the three rules of magic can not be broken but can be twisted beyond explanation.

I'll allow you to dwell on the information I've given and shall not proceed with anything more until our last meeting.

Koda's POV:

Although the current brutality of the Hunters should be ending, the haunting images from today will never leave my mind for the rest of my life. Their cult may be disbanded for now and the Councils will soon have a full blown investigation on them, but I'm not releived like I should be.

They are no longer controlling my life but I am numb, un-manly, devistated. I could not protect my family and I did not achieve my goal. I may be safe but that doesn't matter now, nothing does, not after watching my sister get murdered. I should have given my life for hers.

Jane is dead.

Abe and Leddy did their jobs to the best of their ability, but even they aren't all-knowing and powerful enough to manage everything thrown at them. The twins accomplished what needed to be done, I did not.

That devious little monster told me it would happen, it kept me awake at night. I never wanted to come to terms with it. How could someone know the future? That's not how it is supposed to work.

Hectic hardly explains the atmosphere at the moment, so I stop in my tracks as my family ahead of me is rushing through the forest. Some are hysterical, but others argue with each other about anything they could think of.

"Can you check on Koda?" Lynn nudges Luke in the shoulder.

His head comes up from the ground, but his shoulders stay caved in. He argues, "Leave him behind, I don't fucking care about him. The reason we came was because of him."

Estelle chimes in, "Why are we considering him coming with us in the first place? We couldn't trust him days ago, so why trust him now?"

Abe speaks up, "Koda, don't listen to them."

They all stop in their tracks, while Leddy spins around and starts stomping towards her brother, "Do you wanna stay with him? Because I'd gladly leave you here."

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