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Core memories cease to exist in my brain that's overcome with only times of violence, suffering, and grief. I have no recollection of childlike innocence to fall back upon when I'm overcome with these negative emotions.

We have the option to visit two worlds, but they're both too cruel for my linking and too harsh to live in peacefully. I sence this frightenly dark energy looming over my head, making me secretly wish I didn't escape the Hunters in the first place. All I have been doing is bringing distruction to my family. I feel selfish.

Why does the universe have to be so brutal?

I can admit I have no recollection of bittersweet memories with my family. The only handful I have are with Perry. Although those few memories exist, I conclude I'm destined to be somewhere where peace does not exist.

If the prophecy is real, this could be leading up to those future events that are supposedly going to impact Elyria. Still, I blame myself for these recent traumatic days and always will.

As I lay in bed alone I close my eyes, picturing her freckled face. I'm being haunted by her image in my head. The silky blonde hair draping over her shoulders as her bright blue eyes stare into my soul. I see a small smile, and that tiney dimple under the corner of her lip.

It fades away and in a rush making me see difficult memories; her blood pooling on the floor after the Head Hunter pried Luke away from her and flipped her face down onto the floor. She cried out as I felt the man's rage; something unexplainable, it was a pent up emotion he was enjoying.

Jane was in excruciating pain, enough to where she begin screaming uncontrollably. This caused a ringing in my ears, a powerful hum that distracted me from anything else. Even after she had no energy to cry anymore I was struggling to hear Abe speaking uncomprehensive words to the rest of the room.

I felt a blank mind for a while, only until I saw everyone's instincts kicked in as Leddy and Luke shot straight for the Head Hunter ovetop of Jane. They charged at him with such force that the air in his lungs escaped his body immediately. I watched them beat on him and drag him away as Abe came forward.

I vividly recall Abe rolling her over and her body falling limp. He pulled things from his pocket and poured liquid in her mouth but she was so weak she couldn't part her lips on her own. She was pale, with batting eyelids and a gentle breaths.

Watching Abe yank the knife from Jane's chest was the moment my mind snapped back into place. I felt my body stiff and in a cold sweat, watching him drip the remaining bottles into her wound, hold cloth to her chest then put pressure on it. I recall the image of the bloody knife, then Jane's blood smeared up the wall.

My ears only began to comprehend noise once I heard Leddy yelling, "YOU'RE GONNA WISH WE KILLED YOUR ASS!"

She and Luke had already restrained the man, while the other girls paced the room and Koda was no where to be seen. The Head Hunter, strapped in a torture chair was being strangled by Leddy.

Luke, free of physical conflict was determined to get to Jane's side. I only saw the tears in his baby blue eyes for a second or two until his back was to me as he crouched to her side.

What repeats in my brain is her eyes fluttering closed, her chest going down then never raising again. My eyes were superglued to her body.

Then there was silence. It was a disturbing type of silence that chilled me to the bone, a realization of life or death. The odd choice a soul has to make.

At first they sat awaiting for the potions to cause a miracle but then an eerie silence filled my ears, meaning only one thing. That was the moment I knew I'd never see my sister again. While the others didn't understand quiet yet, I knew immedietly.

My Last Breath (Book one of The Portal Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat