Chapter 6

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“WHAT?!” I shrieked and shocked the whole class.

How did that happen? I talked to him the previous night when he texted weirdly and the next day he was found dead?

Those were his last words?!

But why would he text me? and what did the third word mean? What else did he want to type?

I couldn’t understand a thing. And the biggest question was- Why did he kill himself?

I felt like a huge rock was tied to my chest and I was thrown into the sea.

I took a sick leave and sprinted back home.


“Gwen? Why are you here?” mom asked as she opened the door.

“I was having a migraine. I’ll go rest in my room.” I ran upstairs.

“Oh, you look sick. I won’t disturb you then.” I heard mom speak from behind me as she continued to watch TV in the hall.

I shut the door behind me and latched it. I opened my laptop to re-read our conversation and tried to de-code the third word.

Maybe he was giving me a clue about something. What could he have meant by ‘qirness’?

His fans were commenting like crazy on his recent post which was from 2nd November.

-he can't die!!!
-why would he k1ll himself
-his brother knows sth?
-he was a celeb he had haters ok? He was depressed ig
-yea he might be dep cuz he stopped the live stream and videos
-RIP Ethan we love u
-this is disheartening
-he was prolly murd3red
-shut up who would
-it was his bday why would he die
-DOB became DOD lmao
-shut up u assh0le
-its cuz of u stupid haters that celebs go in depress1on
-we luv u always
-he had a perfect life oml if I were him I would go to Miami
-anyone knows how he k1lled himself?
-he stabbed himself ig

I was in tears and I couldn’t go ahead.

I didn’t tell anyone that I might’ve been the last person he talked to. I couldn’t dare to.

I thought that this secret would not be known by anyone ever but there was someone who knew.

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