Chapter 43

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I looked up at Edwin. His cold expression changed into a confused one as he noticed how miserable I looked. My hair were messed up, eyes were red from crying and I was breathing with a ton of efforts. I noticed I wasn't wearing a shoe. It had come off when I had tumbled upon the rug.

"Help! Help me- please help-" I sobbed, squirming on the road.

"You could have died." He grunted his teeth," Help with what?"

"He's after me! Please take me away from here. To my dad, take me to him." I begged.

"Who's after you?" He asked.

"E-Eth-an..." I choked after the words came out of my mouth.

He bent down closer to me, shaking his head," You've gone crazy."

"Please just take me to my dad! The city hospital!" I started crying.

"You're a year older than me, you know? I hope you're not expecting me to make you stop crying." He sighed.

"Edwin please..." I said. My head was spinning as if someone had tied my arms and legs to the merry-go-round and spun it with all their strength. Keeping my eyes open for another second seemed impossible. Before he could reply or mock me, I passed out.

I woke up panting. I felt almost as if my lungs would pop out of my ribs and skin. I desperately looked around me. I could see the vehicles driving past us as I sat beside Edwin in his car. The dark night lit up with several head lights. I was draped with his jacket and the seat belt was also fastened.

I felt better with him being there. No one could harm me if I wasn't alone, that's what I thought.

"How long have I been passed out for?" I asked.

"An hour."

I sighed and sat back relaxed. I hadn't had such a comfortable sleep in weeks.

Did I really see Ethan Miler? The dead Ethan Miler? Why do I not feel as scared as I was earlier? It's like it was just a bad dream.

I looked ahead at the road. We were now driving through a tunnel which I hadn't come across while I was returning from the hospital.

Maybe it's a short cut.

And then, realization hit me hard.

I looked back at Edwin with a terrified expression," How long, again?"

He looked at me," One hour, Gwen." A smirk formed on his perfect lips. He knew I had realized what was going on then.

"Stop the car." I ordered.

City hospital was 30 minutes away from my house and he had been driving for over an hour. He was up to no good.

"It would be better for you if you stay quiet." He warned me.

"Where are you taking me?" I questioned.

"Somewhere only I know."

"Let me go Edwin!"

"Uh huh, If I've told you to shut up, then shut up.

"You can't take me anywhere without my permission." I retorted.

"There's a term for that. Abduction." He chuckled monstrously.

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