Chapter 82

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Am I in a hospital? Does this was my last time seeing Ethan?

My expectations came crashing down upon not finding myself dead and even more, that I'd always wanted to see Ethan, but didn't know that I would see him when it's time for him to leave. Had I known that, I would've never wished to see him.

Keeping my hand on my chest where it was hurting like hell, I fell back on the stretcher. Tears were trickling down non stop as I stared at the plain ceiling. I involuntarily twitched as everything from that night came over to haunt me. The room, blood, ring and...Edwin Miler. I felt like a dead body. No, I wished I was dead, but...

"Oh Gwen."

I lowered my sight towards my feet but the blanket was getting in my way. I recognized that voice. I tried sitting up but I felt a pinching pain in my lower ribs and I screamed, falling back on the stretcher.

"Don't sit up yet." Elijah's face appeared as he covered me with the blanket.


"You've cried enough. Don't." He said, softly tucking me in bed," I was scared you wouldn't wake up."

"What happened to me?" I asked. That last thing I'd remembered was being thrown on the ground and choking on air.

"You had an anxiety attack and whatever happened traumatized you. The doctors said you'd wake up in 2 days. But it had been 4 days and you hadn't woken up."

"F-Four days? And what's the date today?" I asked in shock.

"You'd been in coma for a week. It's the 13th of December." He said, shaking his head," Everyone was so worried. We had to call your parents. We didn't tell them the real reason and just said you had an attack...but they cannot come and visit you at the moment. Your...grandfather..." He gently held my hand. He didn't have to finish his sentence. I knew what I had lost. Everything.

"Grandpa..." I sobbed quietly, turning my head towards the window. It was dark outside. Gloomy winters, just like my life.

"Let's talk about other things later. I'll go inform the doctor and they'll run some tests on you." He stood up, letting go of my hand.

"I wish to go back to a very deep sleep." I said, still staring out of the window.

"Don't say such things." He sat down again, slightly holding my chin and turning my face towards him.

"Ethan's gone!" I almost cried out. That was all I could do.


I left Gwen's ward to let her be alone for some time. Everything had fallen apart. She had lost a dear one, ended up in coma for a week and said goodbye to Ethan, who helped her wake up before he left. I had no idea how she was going to pull herself together. She was in such a condition that couldn't be helped. We could only wait until she would come out of the trauma on her own and step out to go back to living her life.

But I was very disappointed. Ethan left without seeing his brother get punished for his sin. I had also, a little desire of seeing him but it was no longer possible.

"Eli, where you going sighing like that?" Dad asked as he met me in the corridor.

"Where are you going?" I asked him.

"I was going to find you in Gwen's ward. That's your new home, isn't it?" He joked.

"Dad she's woken up but don't tell the doctors yet. She wants to be alone for some time." I told him.

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