Chapter 49

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I regretted being the only loyal one towards our friendship. I was worried for Stace but that didn't mean that I would forget it all. I was just worried because...she might've also been getting haunted. I could understand how helpless she would have felt. Why would Ethan make us go through all that torment? What did he want?


I wasn't sure if it was the right place to discuss something so discrete. There were people around us, who could hear us unintendedly and maybe assume things and spread rumors. 

The weirdest was Elijah, acting all calm and composed. I expected different. 

"I told you I'm being haunted and you're so..." I uttered in a whisper, leaning closer to him across the table.

"I already knew about it." He said.

"Still- I expect some terrific reaction. You knew but still, it's about- about ghosts."  I said.

"My grandma is an exorcist. I know ghosts exist and I know how to communicate with them too."

"Wow-" I sat back on my chair and cleared my throat.

He's cool. 

"Let's take this slow, alright? We'll talk tomorrow, no wait, tomorrow's not nice. Let's meet the day after at my place? I'll send you the address later." He stood up.

"I'm being haunted and you want to 'take it slow?'"  I scowled. When I didn't believe him, he was after me to convince me and now he couldn't even spare me more than five minutes.

"He won't harm you. Relax. Just remember, he can hear you." was all he said before he left the Canteen. I was left alone with his half eaten meal and my medium sized Pizza that was untouched. I had no appetite. 

Ethan Miler, my crush since two years who was now dead and gone, had actually returned to haunt me. He could see and hear everything.

I was someone who didn't even go near him when he was alive. How ironic that he chose me to deliver whatever message he had or to seek help. Why did he send me that text? Was it the minute after that, that he died? Was he really depressed? Did he commit suicide or was he...murdered?


After cram, I went home where mom and dad  were waiting for me to have some very serious talks. It was time for dinner, yet the three of us were sitting in the hall and they were throwing questions at me.

"What's going on?" Mom asked sternly.

"Nothing?" I said.

"You've been saying that since the past 15 minutes honey and I'm not moving from here until I get a satisfactory answer." 

"You've been asking me the same question," I sighed," I don't know what you're on about."

"Just ask her straight up." Dad told mom and they exchanged glances. 

"Last night, our neighbors saw you running in the street like you'd seen a ghost." Mom said.

fuck those nosy beings.

"A burglar broke into our house. I'm sure our neighbors  didn't see that and call the cops." I snapped.


"Mom, nothing was stolen." I reassured her.

"I had locked all the doors and windows! Did you check thoroughly? What if a squatter is hiding in the closet and listening to us?" She freaked out.

"That's creepy, don't say that." I shivered dramatically.

"I'll check the house." Dad stood up and started looking around.

"Needless." I shook my head and rested it on the head-rest, shutting my eyes tightly due to overstrain.

I could hear mom and dad's bickering while they were checking the whole house. It was a total waste of time. I whined that I was hungry but mom didn't hear me since they were now in my room. I went to the kitchen to make myself something. I removed the tea pot that sat on the stove, causing some water to spill out on the slab. 

I sighed and placed a pan over the stove. I was making some noodles for us. I had cooked several times, the only difference then was that I was feeling very disturbed. The words Ethan, Murder, Ghost, Me were echoing in my head. I spilled the seasoning over the kitchen island and touched the hot pan at least thrice before the noodles were ready. I looked back at mom and dad who were sitting on the couch and discussing something. 

I announced," I've made noodles. Care for some?" 

"Could you make some tea for later?" Mom asked and I sighed, responding with a nod.

I lifted the tea pot from the slab and my eyes fell on the water that was spilled earlier- there was something written with it.

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