Chapter 78

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I was walking back home, since the Taxi I had taken had broken down on the way and I wasn't far from my house so I decided to walk. I gazed up at the sky. It looked like it was going to rain heavily. I sighed at the dull sight and muttered," When will spring come?" and suddenly a droplet fell on my cheek," Shit. I don't want to get soaked."

I focused my sight back on the road ahead of me, walking faster than my zombie walk earlier as more drops started shooting down from the sky. 

Just a little more.

I started running, grasping the straps of my school-bag tightly. The breeze felt cold on my face and my knees and feet felt sore. It had been long since I'd exercised. On top of that, my thick clothing restricted my movements and made me breathless. I could see my house in front of me and ran even faster but I immediately stopped as someone was waiting outside my house, at the porch. 

Rain started pouring and doused me completely but I didn't move an inch as the guy approached me. I could feel he was quite or...very angry by the way he stomped towards me. I couldn't see his face under the hood but he suddenly grabbed my sweater, pulling me closer to his face.

"Tyler?!" I shouted the moment I saw his face. His lower lip was bleeding and there was a visible cut. He stared at me murderously as he spoke," You fucking bitch."

"What the hell? Take your hands off me!" I yelled and pushed him away. He was grabbing my clothes like he wanted to rip them off me.

"What were you doing outside my house and how did you even get here?" I questioned.

"How innocent." He chuckled," You're the reason for all of this!" 

The raindrops blurred my vision.

"You shouldn't have done that in class earlier." I said.

"Oh, and that's why you asked your boyfriend to beat me up like this?" He asked.

"I didn't! He said he'd 'talk to you' about it. I didn't know this would happen." I explained.

Of course I knew this would happen you rat.

"I won't fall for your fake ass." He shouted and pushed me back but I twisted my ankle as my foot slipped on the wet road and I fell on the ground.

"You're going to pay for this." He scowled as he towered over me.

"No, you're  going to pay for this. If Edwin knows-" I threatened him with something even I was unsure of. Since Edwin was just toying with me, I didn't expect him to care even a bit if I died that night, but the fact that he beat Tyler up for me gave me a little confidence to say those words.

"I'll get beaten up happily after I break a few of your bones." He laughed and grabbed my arm to pull me up but I resisted and pulled him down too.

"Fuck!" He shouted as he fell face first on the wet road and I had my chance to run inside my house. I stood up and limped towards my house which was just 30 steps away. I momentarily turned back to see him already standing and ambling towards me in a fast pace.

I reached the porch and rummaged my bag to find the keys when he pulled my arm, swiveling me around and slapped me across the face. 

"Stop it!" I yelled. His hand was heavier than I thought. My jaw was paining and I felt a cool sensation on my cheek. I knew it was going to swell up.

"I'm not letting this go easily so you better cooperate and come with me." He ordered.

"You're at fault you know that? How can you blame it on me? You got what you deserved!" I pushed him away and pulled the key out but he immediately recovered and started snatching the keys out of my hand.

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