Chapter 65

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"Where is the charger?" 

"What charger? What have you done to the house?" I asked dad as I almost tumbled over the cushion fallen on the floor. The hall was a complete mess as dad was rummaging through drawers to apparently find his laptop's charger. Mom had already left for office, which was the sole reason why dad had the guts to mess with the house.

"Why aren't you looking for it in your room?" I asked, picking up the cushion and keeping it on its original spot.

"I already did." He said, keeping his hands on his back and took a deep breath," Do you probably have it?"

"I...think yeah." I bit my lip because I knew he was about to scold me.

"Please get it here!" He nagged," How many times have I told you to return what you've borrowed? My laptop turned off and I don't know whether the files were saved or not." 

"I'm sorry." I ran upstairs to my room to fetch the charger. He was surely emitting smoke from his ears. He wasn't the type to get heated real quick but whenever he did, it would take a lot of effort to make it up to him. I could hear him mumble downstairs.

The charger was plugged into the switch board under my study table and its cord was inserted in my laptop. I plugged it out of the board when I noticed a cut on the cord. I had no idea how it happened, because the last time I had used it, it was left intact. 

Ethan didn't do it. He cannot even enter the house. Then how did this happen? Dad will surely throw me out of the house.

I started panicking and looked around helplessly. He needed the charger urgently and we didn't have any other charger except mom's, which she had taken along with her. I couldn't possibly give him the damaged one, since it could be hazardous. There was no other way but to tell him the truth.

"Gwen!" Dad called out. 

"Yeah I'm coming." I sighed and carried the charger downstairs. 

Dad was seated on the couch with his laptop, so I sat beside him and placed the charger on the table.

"Plug it in." He said.

"It's damaged."

"What? How? Where? Show me." He started examining the charger when I showed him the cut on the cord and before he could blame me, I told him I wasn't responsible for it and he nagged even more, saying who else could have done it, if not me.

"You're not telling me we have rats! You're so irresponsible." He said.

"I'm sorry dad." I apologized.

"All we can do is try our luck and see if it's still working." He grabbed the charger and plugged it in. I warned him that it could short-circuit or something and harm the laptop but he switched it on anyway. I covered my ears and flinched my eyes but nothing happened. The charger wasn't working. 

"Hell!" Dad shouted as he buried his head between his hands and I sat quietly. It was better to keep my mouth shut and listen to his naggings even though I didn't remember mishandling the charger. Moreover, It was cut just inches away from the plug, which I couldn't possibly even tumble upon since it was hidden under the table. 

Ethan might...have done it?

"It's not that late. I'll go buy a new one." He stood up, carrying his laptop under his armpit.

"Are you sure you'll be back before dinner?" I asked as I glanced at my phone's screen. It was 6 PM and getting dark outside already.

"Who cares about dinner?" He stomped into his room and out in 5 minutes with his laptop bag, wallet and car-keys.

"I'll cook  your fav-" I followed him to the main door.

"No, thank you." He slammed the door shut. 

"I wonder what mom saw in him..." I uttered, staring blankly at the door and immediately remembered that I had to search the whole house and even clean up the mess dad had created, so it would take me double the time to search. I rolled up my sleeves and tied my hair into a messy bun. 

"Alright, Ethan, let's see each other soon," I said," And discuss about the charger. Brat." 

I first searched my parents' room since when they usually brought something, they'd keep it in their wardrobe or on the mantlepiece beside the bed. Searching their room, however, proved to be a vain attempt since I found nothing. I checked each and every corner, behind the clothes, inside the drawers, under the mattress, bed, on the walls, except for the safe in which mom kept her jewellery. 

I then went to the kitchen, since it was a small area to check in and I would be satisfied that I have successfully checked two places. I rummaged all the cabinets and even found a chocolate in one of them, which mom had probably kept for me, as my birthday was only a week away. I closed the cabinet with a smile and turned the kitchen lights off as I moved to the hall.

I looked around while cleaning the hall and arranged the things in the drawers properly, hoping I would find something in them but got nothing. I checked on the walls behind the curtains. My family had no reason to suddenly become so religious all of a sudden and bring cross or holy water. They didn't even mention something like that and seeing how busy they were with their work, I doubted they had any time to visit the church or purchase a Bible. Even having time to visit the church on Sunday was a blessing for them and from what I remembered, they weren't blessed enough to go there since three weeks.

I was piling up the magazines and putting them under the table, when I heard a creak coming from the stairs. I shot a glance at the staircase but it was all empty. Since I didn't get any chills, I knew Ethan wasn't there and I got back to work. 

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