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Hyunjin walked on the streets with a plain black button-up shirt, brown overcoat, black jeans, and platform shoes

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Hyunjin walked on the streets with a plain black button-up shirt, brown overcoat, black jeans, and platform shoes. Too formal for a 17-year-old boy but that's what he loved. His pink-tinted lips blabbered a series of frustrating words to the person on the other line of the phone. 

His best friend Han Jisung. Surprising how they used to hate each other to the core and now, can die for each other. The students were surprised because of how things changed in one year.

"But Jungkook..." Hyunjin rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "He is always with her. Like, that dude is glued to her 24/7." A few girls around the street screamed silently when he ran his hand through his long blonde hair but the boy was too frustrated to notice it. The street was mostly empty with only a few young teens walking around.

"Hmm, you are right."

"Then, there is Taehyung and Jimin. Taehyung is already labeled as her secret boyfriend and the whole school knows it. And Jimin...he literally almost killed a boy for winking at her in flirting way."

"I know right!! I don't think they are just friends but- HEY! MINHO DON'T! MOVE YOUR LIPS AWAY!!" Hyunjin started to hear shouts and shuffling sounds. He rubbed his face as he waited for the sounds to stop.

"I wonder if they are only her friends or more than that? They are just over-protected over that small thing." Hyunjin stated his point. "It's creepy."

"But it's cute for me..."

"What if they are in a poly relationship?" Suddenly, Minho spoke instead of Jisung. Hyunjin's stomach dropped after instantly thinking about them being in a relationship.

"D-Don't say that." Hyunjin stuttered in fear and groaned when someone bumped onto his shoulder. He closed his eyes for a second because of the pain in his left shoulder and turned back to look for who bumped into him but he only saw a shadow running between the people.

"Hyunjin, what-" He didn't Jisung's full sentence because someone just bumped into him, right on his chest. He lost his balance and fell on the hard concentrated ground on his back. Whimpers of pain left from his mouth as he almost teared up because of the pain in his back.

Jisung's panicking voices were coming from his phone fallen a little far away from his painful body. Hyunjin turned his head and his eyes went wide when he saw his crush laying on the ground, also groaning and whimpering in pain like him.

He forgot his own pain and pushed himself up on his knees and stared at her. "E-Eunji, are you okay?" He looked around for Jungkook or Taehyung or Jimin but there was no one. He looked at her painful expression and hesitantly grabbed her arm. "Get up." 

The few walkers around them stared at them as Hyunjin helped her to stand up. His eyes dropped on her clothing and she was wearing a black crop top along with black joggers and platform shoes. He had never seen her in those kinds of outfits. Even if he saw her a few times, she would be always in light or cute clothes but now, it looked she is going into a club or something.

"Are you going to a club or what?" He asked what was in his mind.

"Huh?" She confusingly stared at him with a little panic. He gulped when her eyes met his. His weakness. He never really brought himself to stare back into her eyes. He wasn't bad at eye contact but when it comes to her, it's always like he don't know the word 'eye contact'.

(A/N: Why the fuck I'm listening to Odd Eye at loop while writing this-)

He snapped out of his trance and looked at his hand on her wrist. She also looked down and he quickly let go of her. His fingers still remained hovering over her wrist before he fisted them and stuffed them into his pocket and cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry for bumping into you..." She trailed off and looked away while rubbing her arm. With a side peek, she scanned his outfit and her ears turned red.

Hyunjin took a deep breath and closed his eyes to remove all nervousness and again opened them. A smirk formed on his lips and he bend his back towards her, bringing his face close to hers, even though he was crying because of the pain from the earlier accident.

"Are you going to a club?" He tilted his head, trying to look into her eyes. His whole character was changed in a matter of seconds. Her red ears were in front of his eyes and he could see how long her eyelashes were from her side profile. "You are only 17...hmm? Does Taehyung knows about it?"

"I-" She closed her eyes while biting her lower lip. His eyes dropped on her lips, which she was nibbling with her teeth. He again gulped.

"Stop biting those lips unless you want me to bit those for you." He whispered into her ear and her eyes instantly opened and she snapped her head to him.

She didn't know that he was very close to her ear and when she turned to him, their nose bumped and their lips brushed together. Her eyes were wide. So wide that could see her pupils shaking. Her cheeks were completely red by then.

Hyunjin was also shocked by the sudden contact but he didn't let go of that opportunity and grabbed her red flaming cheeks, pushing his lips properly on hers. He closed his eyes and took a step ahead and straighten up his back a little to have his head high.

She also closed her eyes after a few seconds and stood on the tip of her toes with her head tilted to the right. Her thin lips responded to his plump ones, making him go crazy in a second. 

They could feel butterflies in their stomach, their hearts were going crazy, and their minds were dizzy but they were so much into enjoying the precious moment to even notice things happening inside their bodies.

He parted his lips, grabbing hers into them, kissing her fondly. When he repeated his action, she copied them and both of them closed them together. After she did that, he suddenly jumped into cloud nine. He couldn't feel anything except her lips moving against his.

Even though he didn't want to let go of her lips and wanna keep them forever but he knew he had to, so he stopped moving his lips and moved away his face a little away from her. She opened her eyes and he smiled after seeing her red face. His eyes have already disappeared because of his big smile.

Her lips were just parted in shock and she didn't what to say anything. She had already fallen for that smiling beauty in front of her without even realizing it. 

He stopped smiling and started to whisper, "I'm sorry, Eunji...but-" She blinked when she saw a tear roll down his cheek. His lips again formed a smile but a small one. "I like you."


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AND THE DUO FINALLY KISSED- *nose bleed pt.2*

Sorry for not including others- it's just people were asking Hyunjin and Eunji moments a lot. Their kiss was supposed to be in different situation but I changed it-

Also, I'm happy cause when I revised his chapter through Grammarly, there was barely a mistake in the kiss scene TT

I also listened to Odd Eye from Dreamcatcher at loop while writing this chapter *peace sign*

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