Chapter 1✔️

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Charlotte's POV-

12 years later-

"Just try, please?" My social worker, Pepper Milton asked. She was driving me to another home after I once again, got kicked out of another fostering home. I was fed up with being tossed around home to home. It was the same every single time.

"What's the point? I'm an older kid. No one is going to want me." I muttered, resting my head against the window. 

"They're going to just like the last people," 

"You blew up there patio. Are you really questioning why they sent you back?" 

"That's not true! I didn't do anything to there patio." 

"We found fireworks under the patio. You could have blown up the house! You're lucky they didn't press charges." Pepper signed; she was getting frustrated with me. She's been with me since I was a baby, I was the first kid she got assigned too. Her first failure, I heard her say one time last year. It hurt more than anything my foster parents could have said to me, but I pushed past it. 

"Can we go to King's crossing?" I asked, trying to get that nasty memory out of my head. Pepper raised her eyebrow at me, shaking her head. 

"What? That's all the way across town. Why?" 

"Because it's September first. Hogwarts starts today." I was a big Harry Potter fan ever since my foster mother showed it to me. She was the only lady who almost adopted me before her husband got sick, and they couldn't afford it anymore. 

"Ugh, again with this Harry Potter. It's not real, we're not going to King's crossing, you won't jump through some portal or anything, dumb like that."

"I just want to take pictures. I have a camera and it's only seven am now. Let's go, please." I begged, glancing at the clock in Pepper's car. She shook her head, as the car slowed to a stop at a red light. 

"No, you have to meet the Browns at eight am sharp. We need you to make a good impression."

"No, you need to make a good impression. I don't care," I shouted, crossing my arms over my chest. 

"They like your profile; they want to get to know you." 


We parked in front of a white house, with a black roof and shutters. The Browns were already standing outside with their son.

"Be nice," Pepper hissed as she shut off the car. 

"Hello!" Mr. Brown said, as we reached them. There son glanced at me, uninterest, he was just as bored as I was. 

"Hi! Charlotte said she's very excited to meet you." Pepper said, she put a hand on my back, pushing me towards them. I nodded, I was used to Pepper speaking for me, whenever we met a new foster family. I just had to stand there and look pretty until they decide there done. It never took a long time, when I was growing up, there was always something strange that would happen when I was placed in a new foster home. If it was a really bad foster home, I would manage to leave the next day, but something would always happen, and I never knew why, maybe I just had bad luck, maybe I was bad luck.

Pepper rushed us in and got me settled into my new home in about twenty minutes. Mr. Brown put my bags in my new room, before we sat down for breakfast.

"Would you like some eggs?" Mrs. Brown asked.

"Yes," I said, she placed three spoonful's of eggs on my plate, some hashbrowns, and a couple sausages. It was definitely the largest plate of breakfast I've seen any foster family give me. They asked me a million questions as we ate, but I needed to leave, soon. 

"Can I go upstairs to put my stuff away?" I asked glancing at the clock. It was currently nine-thirty.

"Oh, how silly of me! Go ahead! Take all the time you need, we'll be here."

"First door to the left." Mr. Brown called as I walked upstairs. I found my room easily; it was the only room in the house that was white and pink everything. The walls, bed, and dresser were white, but the bedsheets, pillows, and large fluffy carpet were pink. The luggage that Mr. Brown brought upstairs were in the middle of the room, but the only thing I needed was my backpack. It had my phone, cash, and headphones. I needed to go, I felt that pull, that ache in my chest, that told me to go to King's crossing return. 

Ever since I turned eleven, I had a strange urge to go to the king's cross at eleven o'clock every September first, but I never got a chance to. The first year, I felt this pull, I was stuck in America with Pepper. The second year, I got there too late, and it was already eleven-thirty when I got there. I don't know why, but I needed to get there before or at eleven. Maybe it was because I was a huge Harry Potter fan, but I needed to go.

But this year, I was finally getting my chance. I stole a bunch of cash from my foster family yesterday, there present to me after treating me like crap all the time. I pulled my backpack over my shoulder and opened the window. I carefully crawled onto the roof, trying to make as little noise as possible, but I was failing miserably. Once I got to the edge, I peered down looking anxiously at the ground. My feet dangled at the edge of the roof, I took a deep breath, pushing the air out of my nostrils.

You can do this,

I told myself. I took a deep breath and pushed myself off the roof. I fell...more like floated before landing on the ground. I looked at the Brown house, I felt guilty leaving this family. They were kind, way kinder than any other family I've ever had, but that pull was there and calling me.


"Thank you," I told the bus driver as I got off. I watched the door shut behind me, and the bus drove away. I walked inside Kings Crossing, just as my phone started vibrating in my pocket, Pepper's name flashed on the screen along with several messages.

Where are you!

Call me asap!

Cops, have your picture, we will find you!

The phone was a reward. It is getting taken away!

Are you going to King's crossing?

I'm going there now.

I signed deciding to turn her off my cell phone, I looked over my shoulder, there were several cops walking into King's Crossing. I shook my head; Pepper was really starting to get on my nerves today.

"Hey! You!" Someone yelled. I looked over my shoulder again, one of the cops had spotted me. I put my phone in my pocket as he got closer. I started running I was so close to platform 9 3/4. 

"Come back here!" 








"Wait!" I looked over my shoulder again smirking at the cops, before I looked ahead, the wall was less than a foot away from me. I closed my eyes, a scream erupting from my lips, waiting for the impact, but instead of the wall, I smashed into a very solid body.

"Ow!" Someone shouted, as we fell on the concrete ground. I groaned lifting my head up from the persons chest. 

"Watch where you're going next time!" He spat, shoving me off of him. I stood up, pushing the dirt off my body.

"Sorry," I whispered, rubbing my bruised elbow.

"Have you never done this before! Even idiots can walk through a gate without crashing into someone." The boy said, but I wasn't listening anymore, as I looked around, my breath hitched as I looked at the big, bright red, express. 

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