Chapter 40 (Year 5)

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"That was strange, wasn't it?" Parvati asked as they changed into their pajamas. They had finished the feast and listened to that new lady's speech, all three of them getting a bad feeling about her.

"What is strange are her clothes. All pink does not match her, it made my eyes hurt just staring at her." Lavender said, rubbing her forehead.

"Her speech was," Charlotte said, agreeing with Parvati.

"The ministry is trying to take control of Hogwarts after last year's death. It's going to go horribly wrong; everyone knows it." Charlotte shrugged.

"But if you think about it under Dumbledore's care we've had problems every year, first-year it was Quirrell trying to get that magic stone and getting killed in the processes, the second year a monster petrifying all the muggle-born students, the third year a mass murder attacking us, and last year a student dies in their games? It's mad." Lavender said, ticking them off her finger.

"It won't be better under that frog lady's rule. There's something off about her, I'm not sure what, but something is." Said Parvati shaking her head.

"Trust me, it won't be," Charlotte said.

"The paper says Dumbeldore's gone mad, and so has Harry," Lavender said, side-eye Charlotte.

"What are you saying, Lav? You don't believe Harry?" Charlotte asked. She had forgotten in the book that Lavender didn't believe Harry in the beginning.

"I not saying Harry's gone mad," Lavender said, carefully.

"Then what are you saying?"

"That... well, you know who died. He's dead. Dead people don't come back to life."

"You're saying that Harry killed Cedric?" Charlotte said, her voice rising in the hallway.

"Well...we don't really know what happened that night. Charlotte, Harry and Cedric were alone."

"They weren't alone! Voldemort- "Lavender and Parvati cringed at the name.

"-was with them! His death eaters were with them!"

"Charlotte, be reasonable. Your brother did something to Cedric. I'm not saying your crazy or anything like that, he's lied to you obviously, but Harry was alone with Cedric. He obviously wanted to win the tournament, who else would have entered his name-"

"Yeah well, I don't remember you giving a rat's arse about who put his name in the goblet when Harry was winning!" Charlotte said, pointing an accusing finger at Lavender, who was starting to get redder.

"Guy's, please calm down!" Parvati said, trying to diffuse the horrible tension. She was ignored.

"I'm just saying people who died will stay dead! You know who isn't a zombie who's come back wanting to murder Cedric and everyone else!" Lavender yelled.

"That's just it! Voldemort-"

"Oh, will you stop saying his name?" Lavender yelled, interrupting Charlotte.

"Voldemort! Hasn't come back from the dead, because he wasn't dead in the first place!" Charlotte yelled.

"What's going on here? I can hear you two screaming from the stairs." Hermione said, as she opened the door, and walked to her bed.

"What's happened is that Lavender is an idiot," Charlotte explained, turning away from them and pulling her bed covers down.

"I am not an idiot! I am not the one who believes all the lies coming out of her brother's mouth." Lavender had been clutching on her blanket throughout the conversation, but now she held it so tight her knuckles were turning white.

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