Chapter 25 (Year 4)

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"Harry!" Lily said jumping up from her chair next to James, as he and Charlotte entered Dumbledore's office.

"Harry, did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Lily said as she put her hands on both sides of Harry's face. She had a mixture of anger, worry, and frustration on her face, while James looked more in shock.

"No, I didn't."

"Harry, are you sure you're telling the truth? You don't have to lie to us. We won't be mad if you did." James said, but Harry shook his head.

"I'm telling the truth. I didn't even want to enter," Harry said. James and Lily both looked relieved, but then their moment of calm turned into anger.

"Who put your name in? I'll kill them right now!" James yelled. Harry shrugged.

"I don't know," Harry said,

"That doesn't matter right now. Let's just worry about Harry making it through the trials," Charlotte said.

"Do you know what the first one is?" James asked. Harry shook his head.

"Not yet,"

"You'll be okay, Harry, you'll be fine. Nothing bad can happen to you while we're alive," James said. Lily nodded.

"What about you, Charlotte? Are you okay?" James asked. Charlotte nodded.

"No one bothering you? No boys? Nothing?" James asked. Charlotte shook her head.

"Oh, please, all she does is spend her time with- "Charlotte glared at Harry.

"Lavender and Parvati. I spend my time with them."

"And Malfoy, who I have told her to stay away from several times," Harry commented, and it was true, he had told her several times every morning, lunch, and dinner not to hang out with Malfoy.

James let out a gasp and clutched at his heart.


"Oh my god, calm down."

"He's a Malfoy! His whole family hates us." James said as Lily shook her head at him.

"Malfoy certainly doesn't hate her." Harry joked,

"You are not helping!"

"You are 14. You are too young for boys."

"I am not dating anyone-I thought we were talking about Harry getting into the tournament," Charlotte said,

"Mum, say something."

"We have more important things to worry about James, Charlotte's love life can be talked about after the first trial," Lily said.

"Or never," Charlotte suggested.

"Yes, yes, you're right Lily, we will table this conversation for right now," James said.

They spent the rest of the time helping Harry with the tournament and trying to figure out who put his name in, but coming with no luck.


Draco had made badges that say Support Cedric Diggory- the real Hogwarts Champion, which turned into Potter stinks, that he was passing out during the day. They waited for Potions in the hallway, while Draco was showing them off to his friends.

"Oh, very funny! Really witty!" Hermione said sarcastically towards them.

"Want one, Granger? I've got loads. But don't touch my hand, now. I've just washed it, you see; don't want a mudblood sliming it up." Draco laughed as he held on up for her.

Harry reached for his wand before anyone or himself knew what he was doing, and pointed it straight at Draco.

"Harry!" Charlotte and Hermione said warningly.

"Go on, then, Potter. Moody's not here to look after you now - do it, if you've got the guts." Draco said as he took out his own wand. They stared at each other for a second, before both shoutings.



Jets of light shot out of their wands, hit each other in midair, before bouncing in opposite directions. Harry's spell hit Goyle in the face, and Draco hit Hermione. They both covered their faces and screamed.

"Hermione!" Ron shouted, as he hurried towards her. He tried to drag her hand away from her face, but she wouldn't budge. Her teeth were growing at an alarming rate.

"Hermione you have to go to the nurse," Charlotte said, as she kneeled down next to her, trying to see her face.

"What's all this noise about?" Snape said. The Slytherins all started speaking before Snape pointed at Draco.

"Potter attacked me, sir-"

"We attacked each other at the same time!" Harry shouted back.

"- and he hit Goyle - look -"

"Hospital wing, Goyle," Snape said calmly, after examining him. Goyle ran off quickly.

"Malfoy got Hermione! Look!" Ron yelled as he forced Hermione to show Snape her teeth.

"I see no difference," Snape said, coldly. Hermione squealed before she grabbed her things and ran to the nurse.

Harry and Ron started shouting at Snape so loud that no one could understand what they were saying, but Snape understood.

"Let's see. Fifty points from Gryffindor and detention each for Potter and Weasley. Now get inside, or it'll be a week's worth of detentions." Snape said, as he opened the door and walked into the classroom, the students grudgingly following.


Draco found Charlotte sitting in a window seat in the hallway, staring out at the lake.

"What are you up to?" He asked, softly sitting down next to her. She shrugged, not wanting to reply.

"Have I done anything to make you mad at me?" Draco asked. Charlotte glanced at Draco, almost glaring at him.

"Really? You called Hermione a mudblood. You make a badge that says my brother stinks, and you don't think I'm upset?" Even if Charlotte knew he was going to do this, it still hurt even more.

"But that's Granger, she's muggle-born-"

"So is my mother." She shot back.

"The pins aren't a big deal. They aren't even about you," Draco said, trying a different approach.

"They have my last name on them, and they are about my brother."

"They weren't even about you. They were never meant to hurt you, Charlotte." He said,

"Well, it still did. Those are my friends and my family Draco, but it's my fault for being upset. I know it's who you are." She said she was blaming herself for being upset when Charlotte knew that she should have known better.

"Who I am?"

"Yes, you are the guy who hates Muggles, Muggleborns, and I don't even know why you are hanging out with me. I'm a half-blood."

"But I don't care that you are. I want to hang out with you."

"Then why can't you think like that with them?" Charlotte snapped. Draco stared at her for a minute before standing up and walking away. Charlotte stared at the back of his head before looking back at the lake.

Draco was angry at her for even thinking something stupid like that. Of course, he doesn't care about the others. He hates the others, but he can't bring himself to hate her. 

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