Chapter 14 (Year 3)

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"Charlotte! Charlotte!" Harry yelled as he opened her bedroom door in the Potter manor. Charlotte chose to ignore his shouting and pulled her blanket over her face.

"Go away! I want to sleep!"

"No! It's Christmas!" Harry shouted as he walked into her bedroom and fixed his hair in the mirror. It didn't help, but look just as messy, or even more. Charlotte ignored him and kept sleeping. Harry got on Charlotte's bed and started jumping.

"Harry! Get out!"

"It's Christmas!" He yelled as he kept jumping.

"What is going on here?" James asked as he walked into the room.

"Charlotte won't wake up, Dad!"

"Tell Harry to get off my bed!" Charlotte shouted.

"No, Harry's right, it's Christmas! Wake up, Charlotte!" He joked, as he got on Charlotte's bed and started jumping.

"I hate boys, I do," Charlotte said, as she watched them jump.

"Fine! Fine! I will get up!" She shouted as she rolled out of bed. Harry and James high-fived, before getting down from the bed and walking downstairs.


Harry grabbed onto Charlotte's arm just as she was about to go down the stairs.

"What is it?" She asked,

"I have something to show you. It's in my room." He said, pointing to his door.

"Okay?" Lottie said, confused, as he ushered her in, dramatically shut the door behind her. Harry's room was a little messy, his bed was unmade, and there were piles of clothes on a chair.

"Why are you being wired? What is it?" Charlotte asked. Harry pulled out a book, which Charlotte recognized as his Transfiguration textbook.

"You could have just asked for help instead of being so wired." She said as he sat down on the bed.

"Oh shut up, I don't need help, but yesterday when Dad was out. I was looking for something in his room-"

"You were snooping?" Charlotte asked as she sat across from him. Harry rolled his eyes.

"No, I was looking at his hair gel, if you must know."

"I really didn't want to know that. Stay away from hair gel." Charlotte shook her head at him. Harry handed her the picture; Young Peter Pettigrew was grinning broadly, with tears in his eye from laughing so much and holding the camera and taking a picture of James with antlers coming out of his head, looking annoyed. Sirius was in the background on the floor holding onto his stomach, while Remus was laughing on a bed, with a book in his lap.

"That's Pettigrew. I barely recognized him."

"Where did you find this?" Charlotte asked. She ran her thumb across Pettigrew's face, so full of life, before she smiled at her dad's annoyed expression.

"There was this Hogwarts's quidditch bag in dad's closet. Mum doesn't touch any of dad's quidditch things, because she hates it. He must have been Dad's friend. One of his best friends. I looked through all the pictures. They go back to the first year, all the way to a couple of order meetings before they just suddenly stopped. Dad kept them all." He said,

"But why would he keep them if James hates him?" Charlotte asked.

"Who cares why Dad kept them? I'm going to kill Pettigrew," Harry said, determinedly.


"He told Voldemort! He tried to kill all of us, Charlotte! Don't you see why dad doesn't let us out? Or go to Hogsmeade? I spent all summer locked up because he wants us dead! I won't let him kill us. I'll kill him first." Said Harry, but before Charlotte could answer. Lily called them down to breakfast.

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