Chapter 3 (Year 3)

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Dumbledore extended his hand out to Charlotte as they got off the carriage. She took it, almost stumbling on a large rock that she stepped on.

"McGonagall, by the time everyone gets seated, I will return, and we can get the sorting ceremony to start." Dumbledore informed her. McGonagall nodded, as they entered Hogwarts, and rushed off to meet the returning students.

"I'm coming with you." Remus said, not going to take no for an answer.

"I would have never doubted it. I bet Mr. Black is also waiting in my office." Dumbledore chuckled to himself.

They walked silently to his office, as numerous thoughts ran through Charlotte's mind.

Why am I here?

Am I really related to the Potter's?

Was I actually just attacked by a Dementor?

Did he just say Mr. Black?

Dumbledore opened the door to his office, where three people were waiting for them. Sirius Black, James, and Lily Potter.

"What's going on here? That's Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, and that's James and Lily Potter, but you all are-"

"Fictional characters?" Dumbledore asked, as he sat in his office chair.

"Yes!" Charlotte said,

"But-but how did you know? You shouldn't." Charlotte said.

"You told me."


"October 31'st 1981, Voldemort wasn't the only one that attacked the Potter's that night. A lady had come that morning, attacked your parents, James and Lily Potter, forcing them into a closet. She took you that night, put you on the doorsteps of the police department. She came back for Harry Potter and waited for Voldemort to arrive. When he did, he killed that lady, and tried to kill Harry, but couldn't. The Potter's all lived, but you were taken away from them, and told that you would come back when you were ready." Dumbledore explained.

"So, you're telling me that I am James and Lily's daughter? And that this whole thing is real?" She asked. Dumbledore nodded. Lottie was silent as she stared at the ground.

James and Lily had been dying to say something, but Dumbledore had warned them not to until he explained everything to her.

"Charlotte," Lily said, stepping closer to Charlotte.

"I'm sorry, that's just a lot of information to take in," Lottie said, as Dumbledore looked at the time.

"Remus, we have to go, we're already late for the feast." Dumbledore stood up, and Remus opened the door for them.

"Sirius come along." Dumbledore said,

"But why do I-"

"Come along." Dumbledore said, again. Sirius signed as he followed them out.

"I better be getting some food." Sirius said loudly, as he shut the door.

An awkward silence fell over the family. Charlotte had never thought she would meet her family, and never would have thought that her parents were James and Lily. Lily couldn't help herself; she wrapped her arms around Lottie, and James wrapped his arms around both of them.

"We have waited for twelve long years for you to finally come back to us." Lily cried. Big, fat tears were falling from her face as she cupped Lottie's face.

"Um, you're suffocating me." Lottie whispered, James and Lily loosened their grip on her. They forced her to sit in a chair while they hovered over her.


James and Lily had spent the next hour asking Lottie about everything that had happened to her, and were horrified of the outcomes, when Dumbledore came back in.

"Going well?"

"I have to ask, where am I supposed to sleep? And I don't have any clothes."

"Home, our house. Dumbledore, we just got her back." James yelled,

"She can go stay with you for two weeks, but she must come back. Charlotte, you are two years behind the others. You must come and... start your education."

"Lily, Charlotte, let's go." James said, taking out some floo powder, and throwing it into the fire. It turned green before James stepped in with another handful of powder.

"The Potter Manor!" He yelled and disappeared.

"Do you know how to use Floo powder?" Lily asked Charlotte. She nodded,


"You can go first." She said, softly. Charlotte grabbed a handful of powder, not believing she was going to do this, before she got into the warm fire.

"The Potter Manor!" She shouted, before Dumbledore's office disappeared. She shut her eyes and mouth before she slid out of the fire and into her new life.

A/N- Sorry, this is a short chapter :(

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