Chapter 89

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Charlotte finished organizing the defense for the tunnels with Fred, George and Lavender were on taking care of the other ones.

"You alright?" Fred asked, noticing Charlotte's wand shaking, as she put the last spell.

"Y-yeah." She said as she stared at him, looking at his goofy grin, but she could tell he was just as nervous as she was.

"You know more than any of us. You know that we'll be okay." Fred reminded her, but Charlotte couldn't answer. They heard a loud noise from upstairs.

Death eaters had just entered the castle.

"Let's go," Fred breathed, taking his wand out and running upstairs. Charlotte ran after him. She felt her heart start racing, slamming against her rib cage.

They ran up the stairs. They could hear George and Lavender coming up behind them. Fred pushed open the door. Charlotte stopped in her tracks, seeing Death eaters running inside the castle. Spells were flying through the air, and they watched as the building was quickly getting destroyed.

Charlotte and Fred, after feeling frozen, finally were able to move their feet again. They jumped into the battle with George and Lavender behind them. Charlotte had no time to think about Lavender and George, as she ducked, a green spell missing her by inches. She looked up at the death eater. A man had his wand pointed directly at Charlotte.

"Baubillious!" She shouted, the death eater blocked her curse.

"Conjunctivitis!" He shouted. Charlotte blocked it, looking around very quickly. She knew she had to fight, but she also knew she had too many people that could die tonight. Her father and mother were on separate sides, fighting with Remus and Sirius against death eaters. Peter was near her, and Lilliana was helping Ginny, but she couldn't see Draco, or Lavender, or Parvati, or Fred.

She glared at the death eater, throwing another curse at him that shot him forward, landing five feet away, unconscious. Charlotte pushed past the others in her way, not knowing if they were death eaters or friends.

She saw Draco's bright hair, trying to fight two death eaters, before one death eater was shot away. She saw her father running towards Draco and fighting off the next death eater with him.

"Neville!" Charlotte shouted, seeing him running with Mandrakes.

"What?" Neville shouted as she ran with him.

"Where's Fred? Or Lavender!" She asked,

"I haven't seen them!" He shouted. She nodded, signing before she ran out into the hall. There were dead bodies, the first casualties of the fight. She tried not to look at the faces as she looked for her friends.


"Fred!" Charlotte shouted, as she finally found him with Percy, and... the Minister.

"Get out of the way!" She shouted, trying to get his attention, but it was no use. They both never even glanced at her as they fought against the minister. She saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione watching them before joining the fight.

Charlotte pushed her way through the crowd, trying to get to Fred's side.

"Hello, Minster!" Percy shouted, smiling as he threw another jinx at the Minister. It hit him on the chest. The minister dropped his wand and clawed at his robes in discomfort.

"Did I mention I'm resigning?" Percy asked. Fred turned to look at Percy, laughing, as Charlotte finally got to his side.

"You're actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were–" Then they heard an explosion. Charlotte managed to push Fred out of the way before watching the wreckage fall on top of her.

"Charlotte!" Fred yelled, looking at the spot he was just standing at, now covered in blocks.

"Get down!" Harry yelled, as more spells flew their way, not knowing Charlotte was under the wreckage.

"Fred, get down!" Fred barely noticed the flying spells before Percy grabbed him by the collar and pulled him to the ground. They barely had time before the

"What happened? Where is Lottie?" Harry yelled, covering his head from the spells that were being thrown at them.

"She's under there!" Fred yelled as he pushed the rubble away, still being held down by Percy.

"She pushed me out of the way!" Fred yelled. There was no joy or glee on his face. He was terrified.

"What?" Harry yelled, starting to dig with Fred. The spells finally ceased and the boys all stood up, starting to dig for Charlotte.

"There!" Fred shouted. Finally finding Charlotte, he pushed the blocks off her before pulling her up.

"Charlotte? Charlotte!" He yelled, shaking her.

"When I tell you to get out of the way, you get out of the way!" She grunted, opening her eyes. She touched her forehead. There was a large cut that was bleeding.

"Oh, thank god!" Harry shouted, as she stood up. She yelped in pain, her leg stunned. Charlotte's right trousers leg was ripped and covered in blood.

"You should go, Harry. I'll be fine." Charlotte said as Fred put his arm around her waist and helped her stand.

"Are you sure-"

"I'll be fine," Charlotte said again. Harry nodded before running off with Ron and Hermione. Charlotte screamed as she noticed a large black spider, one of Argon's relatives. They all shouted curses at it, making it fall to the ground, a sign that the war was not ending anytime soon.

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