Chapter 4 (Year 3)

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Charlotte spent two weeks with her parents. They never left her alone, they never wanted to. They slept on the ground next to her bed, bought her every single thing she set her eyes on, and even let her have breakfast in bed if she wanted to so badly.

The Potter manor was filled with pictures. Pictures of Harry, pictures of the family, of Lily's parents, of James's parents, of Sirius, of Remus, but barely any pictures of Charlotte.

"And this is when Harry and Ron were covered in mud. They had mud everywhere." Lily laughed as she explained everything to Charlotte. Charlotte forced a laugh out. She shouldn't feel like this. She had just known that this was her family a week ago, but she still felt sad, or even jealous.

She wished for Harry's life; she wished for the life she could have had. Charlotte wasn't always jealous, but this was different.

"Are you alright?" Lily asked her. She nodded, whipping at the corner of her eye.

"Yes, sorry. Um, a bug flew into my eyes." Charlotte explained, Lily didn't buy it, though.

"You know, we have a bunch of pictures of you in our room. We had them all over the house, but they were driving Harry crazy. He wanted to see you again, but we couldn't. And we searched all over Scottland, and London and-"

"When was this?" Charlotte asked, cutting her off, as she pointed to a picture of the four of them.

"This is Remus, Sirius, me, and your dad, at the last time we were all at platform 9 3/4." Lily said.

"Where's Pettigrew?" Charlotte asked, Lily's smile flattered.

"Pettigrew is the escaped prisoner, we don't know him." She said, shutting her book, as James walked in turning the television on. Lily had really wanted one, since she grew up with one.

"... the public is warned that Pettigrew is armed and extremely dangerous. A special hotline has been set up, and any sighting of Pettigrew should be reported immediately. He is not armed, but highly dangerous. He is wanted for the death of twelve muggles- "James turned the sound off, glaring at Pettigrew's picture.

"Come on, Charlotte, let's go start your lesson." Lily had started teaching Charlotte everything, and Charlotte was thankfully picking up everything easily, thanks to also reading about a lot of the things she was taught online, and in the Harry Potter books.


"Lily, I really don't need it." Charlotte said, looking down at the pile of clothes that was by the dressing rooms.

"I think you do. It looks good on you." Lily said she wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I'm going to start Hogwarts's soon; shouldn't we be going to get my robe fitted instead?" Lottie asked as she went back into the dresser and changed back into her brown sweater and jeans.

"You don't have any clothes at all. You used to have this little blue one little jacket that you never wanted to take off. But it got lost that day you were... um." She cleared her throat before turning around and smiling at Charlotte.

"Well, I'll go buy everything. Your dad's outside. He said he wanted to buy you something." Lily said, as she picked up all the clothes.

"Okay, but I really don't need-"

"Go." Lily said, sternly. Charlotte wasn't used to being spoiled, but her parents wanted nothing more than to spoil her.

"Look!" James yelled loudly as Charlotte exited the shop. James had a large broom in his hands, the new firebolt.

"You got that for me?" Charlotte asked. James nodded, grinning.

"Yeah! Once we get home, I can show you how to fly."

"But it was really expensive. I could have just used one of Harry's old-"

"No way! I'm not letting my little girl use a used broom! Once we get home, I'll show you! You can try out for the team next year! I bet you're a chaser like me, or maybe a seeker like your grandma, or a beater like your grandpa." James said excitedly, as Lily came out of the shop with several bags in her hands.

"Okay, James. I think she gets it. Let's go to Madam Mulkins." Lily said. The three of them walked to Madam Mulkins' shop. They were greeted by a kind-looking witch in the shop.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" She said,

"I need a Hogwarts uniform." Lottie said,

"Hogwarts?" She said, surprised. The three of them nodded.

"Okay, let's go." The witch led Lottie to the back, where she started pinning fabric on her.


Once she got her robes done, the three of them walked to get her a wand. Lottie was jumping on her heels, never being more excited than this to finally get her wand.

"Hello?" James yelled as they entered. Mr. Ollivander slid towards them on a ladder he was using to put other wands away on the high shelf.

"Ah! Mr. and Mrs. Potter, who is this?" He asked, getting down from the ladder.

"Our daughter. Charlotte. She's here for a wand." James explained. Mr. Ollivander looked intrigued as he leaned closer to them.

"Really? I didn't know you had a daughter."

"She needs a wand." Lily said. Mr. Ollivander grabbed a measuring tape that started measuring her by itself, while Mr. Ollivander started looking at wands.

"Let's try these." Mr. Ollivander said as he handed her a wand.

"Unicorn hair, Acacia wood, twelve inches." He spoke.

"Go on, give it a try!" Mr. Ollivander said. Lottie waved the wand, and then a couple of wands flew off the shelves. One flew straight at James, who had to duck to miss it.

"Well, that's not it." She said, putting it down. Mr. Ollivander put the wand away and grabbed another one.

"Hornbeam wood, eleven inches, and unicorn core." He spoke. She grabbed it from him and flicked it again. The plant caught on fire.

"Okay, this is going to take a while." Mr. Ollivander said.

After four or five wands, she finally landed on a blackthorn wand, eleven- and three-quarter inches, with a dragon heartstring core. James paid for the wand, and they left the shop.

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