Chapter 13 (Year 3)

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"She won't send the dye. What a bitch." Lavender said at breakfast after reading her sister's letter.

"What did she say?" Parvati asked, as she sipped on her juice.

"Dear Lavender. I can't send you muggle hair dye because you are way too young to dye your hair alone. Please don't ask again." Lavender crumpled up the paper and put it on the table.

"Well, we could always try a spell." Lavender suggested.

"But we don't know how to do the spells." Charlotte said. Lavender waved a dismissive hand.

"Oh, it's fine, how hard could it be."

"Very hard, that's why we aren't going to do it for like another three years." Parvati said. Lavender rolled her eyes.

"Oh, Parvati, don't be so nervous. This is why Charlotte will do it."

"Me?" Charlotte said. She had neglected to mention that she only started magic this year.

"Yeah, Parvati is too nervous. I don't want to do it to myself, so you'll do it. And if you mess up, Parvati can try." She spoke.

The three of them went to the library and searched for a hair charm book. They grabbed the first one they saw and ran upstairs to their dorm. Lavender grabbed the book and flipped to the page before sitting down on her dresser chair.

"Okay, let's start." Lavender said, taking off her robe and taking her hair down from its long ponytail.

"Lavender, maybe someone else should- "said Lottie, as she fiddled with her wand.

"It will be fine."

"I'm not doing it." Lavender and Parvati said, Charlotte signed, as she looked over the spell. It was definitely not her level, but she couldn't tell them why.

"Alright." She huffed. Charlotte flicked her wand at a small section of Lavender's hair. The small section turned a dark brown color.

"Oh, look!" Charlotte said, as she picked up the section and showed it to Lavender and Parvati.

"Oh, my merlin! Do the rest!" Lavender squealed. Parvati walked closer to them and hovered over Charlotte's shoulder as she tried to do the next section.

She had done three sections before Lavender's hair started smoking. Charlotte and Parvati looked at each other nervously, before Parvati started screaming.

"Oh, my god!"

"Smoke! Smoke!" Charlotte yelled, as the door opened, and Hermione walked in on the three screaming girls. She took her wand out, just as the fire lit up and Lavender's ends were burning, and sprayed Lavender's hair with water.

"What are you three doing!" She shouted, as the three of them calmed down.

"I told you this was a bad idea!" Parvati shouted at them. Hermione rolled her eyes and went to grab a couple of books before leaving them. Obviously, there was not going to be an answer.

"It was working! Lottie, what did you do wrong! You were doing fine for a second!" Lavender shouted; Charlotte shrugged.

"I don't know! Everything was going fine at first and then fire!" Charlotte said. Lavender looked at the end of her strands, and the dark brown sections.

"I don't know if this would be a bad time to say this, but one day, we will laugh about this." Charlotte said, quietly.

"Laugh! Look at my hair!" Lavender shouted.

"I said one day! Not today! Not tomorrow, maybe next year?" Charlotte shrugged. Parvati bite on her bottom lip not to giggle as Lavender buried her head into her pillow.

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