Chapter 42 (Year 5)

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Charlotte sat in Draco's dorm room as he got ready for the quidditch match he had against Gryffindor.

"I'm going to win this match. I'm so good at quidditch." Draco said as he fixed his hair in the mirror.

"I believe you Draco."

"If only you were a Slytherin, then you can cheer for me." He said, as he walked to the bed, where Charlotte was laying on.

"I'll tell you how great you were later." She said. He nodded, leaning down and kissing her.

"I have to go now, and I'll see you later. Come meet me after my quidditch match?" He asked. She nodded, as she got off the bed, and put on Harry's invisibility cloak.

Charlotte ran down the boy's dormitory. She didn't want anyone catching even a small glimpse of her here. The Slytherin common room was packed with all the Slytherins getting ready for the quidditch match.

She managed to maneuver her way around everyone and even bumped into some first-year girls, who looked around confused.

"Didn't I just bump into someone?" One asked,

"I heard something." Another said as Charlotte ran.

Finally, Charlotte made it out of the Slytherin common room. She signed as she took off the cloak and shoved it in her bag.


"There you are Charlotte. The match is just about to start!" Parvati said as Charlotte found them in the rows of Gryffindor's side.

"I'm sorry, I was with... Draco," She whispered to them so no one would hear. Parvati and Lavender giggled.

"Oh, shut up you too! I was just wishing him luck before the match started." Charlotte said, blushing. They laughed harder as the captains shook hands.

"And it's Johnson - Johnson with the Quaffle, what a player that girl is, I've been saying it for years but she still won't go out with me - "Lee shouted into his wand, that he was using as a microphone.

"JORDON!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

"Sorry professor! It adds interest!"

"Look, there's Potter searching for the snitch. I might say that his sister is just as hot as Angelina! Too bad she's not on the team! You know I want to ask her out but-"


"Okay, okay, last time, I swear! Back to the match! Angelina passes to Kate- "Charlotte couldn't hear the rest over Lavender and Parvati's giggles. Charlotte's face was a bright red.

"Oh, shut up, you two!"

Draco glared at Lee from his broom, wishing he was a beater so he could smack Lee Jordon with the quaffle, instead of searching for the snitch.


The match had ended with Gryffindor winning. Charlotte ran over to Harry, who was just hit in the back with a quaffle from Crabbe.

"You okay, Harry?" Charlotte asked as she and Angelina ran up to him.

"Are you all right?" Angelina asked.

"Course I am," Harry said, as they helped him up.

"It was that thug Crabbe. He whacked the Bludger at you the moment he saw you'd got the Snitch - but we won, Harry, we won!" Angelina shouted. They heard a snort behind them before hearing Draco shouting.

"Saved Weasley's neck, haven't you? I've never seen a worse Keeper... but then he was born in a bin... did you like my lyrics, Potter?" Draco yelled. Charlotte shook his head at him, trying to get him not to say anything. Draco pursed her lips, nodding at her, but he was too angry, seeing Potter cheering with his friends.

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