Chapter 33 - New School

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On Monday morning, Eri was at the cottage to pick Ethan up for school in a blue sedan.

"Well, you look like crap," he commented when Ethan slid into the car's passenger side.

"I feel like crap."

Days of fitful sleep, followed by Zyga's barbaric training and the emotional turmoil of missing his mate was affecting Ethan. He could not shake off the dream of Jan walking away from him, and it carried over to his waking moments. Combined with the worries of starting a new school, he was a nervous wreck when the week began.

"Mom packed breakfast to say hi," Eri said, handing Ethan a brown bag.

"Thanks." He took out a ham sandwich and bit into it. It tasted like cardboard, but his empty belly was grateful for the food.

"Starving, huh?"

He nodded. "My mother used to make breakfast. Zyga can't even work the stove, and we both forgot to go for groceries. I was going to get something on the way to school."

Ethan now realized how much he took for granted. He had never once imagined a situation where his mom was not around to make sure he was well fed. Neither had he realized how painfully quiet the mornings could be without Cody's constant chatter.

Just thinking of his family hurt. And when he tried to ignore it, his thoughts were replaced by the injured look that Jan had given him.

He could find no solace in sleep or wakefulness.

Eri must have sensed his dark mood because he did not push him to talk. Brent, on the other hand, was a different breed of friend.

When they arrived at Gray Oaks High School, he was already in the parking lot. Brent knew everybody. For every other step they took, he would stop to talk to someone, dragging Ethan with him.

"Yo Asher, whaddup? I heard you were on a roll last Friday... kept those three-pointers flying. Boy, you made me proud. Come meet my man, Ethan...."

"Mason, how's football practice coming along? Listen, don't embarrass me at the next game. I've been running my mouth to Ethan about how good our team is..."

Brent was the life of the party. He had no trouble recalling every name, and he did not discriminate either. He had a word for everyone they came across, and those he missed called out their greetings, joking and laughing with him as he passed. It amazed Ethan just how many people his friend knew.

"Hey Wyatt," Brent said, looping his arm around a skinny boy who only came up to his chest. The student stumbled under the new weight, adjusting his thick glasses.

"Look, sorry I wasn't there to watch the debate last week. Eri and I had a bit of an accident. Tell you what, I'll bring Ethan along to the next one. He's come all the way from Snow Pines, and we have to show him how good we are, okay..."

With his jovial nature, it was difficult not to like Brent. And by default, people were friendly to Ethan when his outgoing friend introduced him around. It was weird to see genuine open smiles and curious looks aimed at him. The conversation did not dim, and there were no stolen gazes or hushed words as he passed.

Even as he shook hands and fist-bumped his new friends, Ethan could not fully relax. Soon someone would recognize him as the wolf bonded to a vampire, and the smiles would disappear, turning into scowls. And the nice words of welcome would change to cutting accusations and sneers.

Any moment now.

By lunchtime, Ethan was still waiting for the shoe to drop.

"Hey, I thought your dad said there had been rumors about Jan and me, but no one has said anything," he started.

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